Current Counseling Programs and Services

Classroom Lessons

One of my favorite parts of my job is going into the classrooms once or twice a month to teach lessons. One lesson will be focused on the monthly character trait and the other lesson will be a social emotional, academic or career focused lesson.

Small Group Counseling

As part of the comprehensive counseling program at Ridgepoint School, I run small groups on a variety of topics. Groups run for approximately 6-12 weeks. Please contact me for more information because a completed counseling referral form and a signed consent will be needed. Scan below. Thank you!

Worry Monsters

Students created their own worry monsters in one of my small groups. These monsters have an opening at the top of the monster where students can write down and put their worries. 

Community and Restorative Circles

I facilitate community building and also harm circles. 

Short Term Solution Focused Individual Counseling

Students may benefit from speaking with me individually. I typically meet with a student up to 3 times. Please contact me as a signed consent form is required.

Additional Counseling Services and Supports: