About the Author

Meet Katie Boland

Name:  Ms. Katie Boland

Hometown:  Milford, Connecticut

SchoolTrumbull High School, Trumbull Connecticut

Contact: kboland@trumbullps.net  Twitter - @gooberkn

Instagram - @msbolandsclassroom


Awards & Honors:

 About This Project:

Native American History is Connecticut History is designed for classroom teachers in Connecticut to address the lack of knowledge about American Indians throughout our schools. Legislation was recently passed by the State of Connecticut that will require all school districts across the state to “include Native American studies as part of the social studies curriculum in the school year commencing July 1, 2023, and each year thereafter.”   This project will seek to address the lack of knowledge and resources available for teachers across the state to tell the fuller story of the American Indian Experience in Connecticut.


“Governor Lamont, State Department of Education, and Connecticut Tribal Leaders Announce Partnership to Collaboratively Plan for Native American Studies Model Curriculum,” CT.gov, 2022, https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2022/11-2022/Governor-Lamont-Announces-Partnership-to-Plan-for-Native-American-Studies-Model-Curriculum.