Troop 310: A Longstanding Legacy

Troop 310 in Saco, Maine proudly boasts a history dating back to 1937.  This year (2024) celebrates the troop's official 63rd anniversary.  However, the truth is the troop has actually been around for 87 years –  good record-keeping just wasn't a priority back then!


The first application for charter of Troop 310 was October 12th 1937. The group met at the School Street Methodist Episcopal Church. It was at the corner of School and Middle Streets in Saco. It was the first chartered organization of the troop. The first Charter Representative was Pastor Walter F. Whitney. The troop meetings were held at the church on Thursdays. The scoutmaster was Mr. Ralph Pinkham, age 26, who lived at 640 Main Street which is now the Rivergreen Bank. The assistant scoutmaster was Roy Parslow, age 29, who lived at 166 pleasant Street. Committee chairman was John Adams of 120 Elm Street and assistants were Lawrence Crenshaw of 500 Main Street and Charles Pike of 46 Franklin Street. The troop was assigned as “Troop 4”. There were 13 original scouts on the roster, and their ages went from 12 to 16. 

Re-charters were done every two years. The next re-charter was done on June 23rd, 1939 and the Troop was now referred to Troop 310. Still at the Methodist church with Mr. Parslow now as scoutmaster, there were nine scouts. Then a change happened. 

On January 1st, 1941 Troop 310 was a group of citizens applying for charter with no sponsoring organization. A Mr. B. O. Hammond, age 28, was chairman, and Howard Simmons, age 18, of Biddeford was Scoutmaster. Mr. Simmonds had been a scout of the troop just two years prior; the troop had 21 scouts at that time. 

In 1944, the Men’s Club of the First Parish Church was the chartering organization and they met at the church on Wednesdays. Mr. Ervin Stevens, age 26 was Scoutmaster. At that time, when you turned 14, you became an Explorer. 

In October 1945, the troop failed to reregister but appeared to be still meeting. Nov. 4th, 1946 the troop re-registers with 23 scouts and still meets at the same location. 

In 1949, Troop 310 had four eagles: Arthur Huot of High Street, Richard Collins of Spring Street, Robert Kany of North Street, and Ramon Miner of Ferry Road. 


From 1951 to 1955 things were pretty much the same. 

From 1956 to 1960 Harry Critchley, 26, was Scoutmaster. 

1961, Reverend Norman Pierson, age 28, was the Charter Rep and Mr. Critchley was still Scoutmaster. There were 53 Scouts of all ages and there were no longer explorers. 

1962 was the year that the Troop was now being Chartered by the "Boucouvalas-Dupuis Post Number 8” of the American Veterans. Mr. Eugene Moody was the Charter Rep and Mr. Critchley was still Scoutmaster and the unit was 49 strong. 

1966 was the year when the Biddeford-Saco Lodge of the Elks became our Chartering Organization. Mr. Joe Grondin was the Exalted Ruler and Mr. Albert Beety was Scoutmaster. There were 39 scouts. 

By 1969 the troop had over 72 scouts and it is also recorded that the troop had 145 months or 12 Years of tenure.


Troop 371 in Saco was founded in 1971 and so we assume that we split Troop 310 to start another Troop in Saco. In the mid 70’s John Romprey Sr. was scoutmaster and there were approx. 30 scouts. It is also when women’s names first start to appear on the Troops’ Charters.  

In the mid-1980s Mr. Ander Pellerin was the scoutmaster for many years. 

In 1987 Mr. Steve McManus’ name started to appear as Committee Member and various positions over the years. Mrs. Rose McManus’ name also starts to appear as a member of the committee. 

In 1989 it is recorded that the Troop had 359 months, or almost 30 years of tenure.


In the early 1990’s Mr. McManus became Scoutmaster and in 1992 we are recorded as having 395 months, or 33 years of tenure. 

In 1999, Bryan Courtois’ name first showed up as a member of the committee and we have 19 scouts. 

In 2000, the troop has 481 months or 40 years of tenure. Doug Anderson’s name as assistant scoutmaster appears and in 2004 Mr. Dennis Poisson joins. 

2003 we have 517 months or 43 years of tenure and Mr. Anderson is scoutmaster of 14 scouts. In 20?? Bryan Courtois becomes Scoutmaster. 


20??, Mr. Chuck Morris becomes Scoutmaster. 

In October 2015, Mr. Dwight Anderson became Scoutmaster, and in January 2016, Mr. Rob Barry became Committee Chair. 

In 2019, there were 39 scouts chartered with the troop. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Troop 310 stayed active, participating in hikes and bike rides, all while following CDC-recommended guidelines. 

In January 2022, Mr. Anderson passed the role of Scoutmaster to Mrs. Billie Cook. In mid-April, the troop went on a High Adventure trip to Washington D.C. and Gettysburg, a trip that allowed the troop to take a tour of the Capitol Building.