Working Papers

Fog to pyre: The impact of Supreme Court Judgment Complexity on Dowry Deaths

Bans without Bite: Unabated Stubble Burning In India 

Credit Crisis and Human Capital: Evidence from Micro-Finance Regulation in India

Repelling Rape: Foreign Direct Investment Empowers Women  [Submitted]

Do Political Connections of Firms Matter During Economic Crisis? [Revise and Resubmit]

Groundwater Availability and Firm Sorting

Nefarious Empowering Institutions: Inheritance Laws and Suttee Deaths in British India

Bartering Bureaucrats:  FDI and Political Rent-Seeking in India 

Gender-Specific Transportation Costs and Female Time Use: Evidence from India’s Pink Slip Program 

Access to Cash Transfers and Climate Resilience in Agriculture 

Signaling Value of Elite Colleges: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh

Play to Learn - Improving Foundational Learning with Technology Aided Formative Teaching

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Affirmative Action and Statistical Discrimination in Career Progression: Caste and Careers in India [Submitted]

Boon or Bane? Extractive Institutions with Benign Consequences

Empowering to Conform: Age at Marriage, Social Norms, and Violence Against Women

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