
The Economics of Drought  (With Eric Edwards and Leslie Sanchez) Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 16 , 2024   

The Curse of Plenty: The Green Revolution and the Rise in Chronic Disease [with Kartini Shastry] American Economic Journal: Applied Economics  Conditionally Accepted July 2023, Accepted December 2023

Information Bypass: Using  Low-Cost Technological Innovations to Curb Leakages in Welfare Programs  [with Mritunjay Nilgode and Sisir Debnath] Journal of Development Economics Accepted June 2023

The Impact of Covid-19 Containment Lock Downs on MSMEs in India and Resilience of Exporting Firms  Journal of Economic Organization and Behaviour  Accepted March 2023

Water in Scarcity, Women in Peril  [with Md Amzad Hossain] Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Accepted March 2023

Access to Toilets and Violence Against Women [ with Md Amzad Hossain and Kanika Mahajan] Journal of Environmental Economics and Management forthcoming Accepted June 2022

Agricultural Trade and Depletion of Groundwater Journal of Development Economics forthcoming Accepted December 2021, Volume 156, 2022

Access to Colleges, Human Capital, and Empowerment of Women (With Md Amzad Hossain and Pooja Khosla) Journal of Human Resources forthcoming Accepted November 2021

Prestige Matters: Wage Premium and Value Addition in Elite Colleges   American Economic Journal : Applied Economics (accepted June 2019) Published in Print 2020:  Vol.12 (3): pages 207-25

Media Coverage : Chart of the Week AEA August 17, 2020 ; Chart of the Day The Economist September 9, 2020; The Ken

The Spillovers of Employment Guarantee Programs on Child Labor and Education (With Tianshu Li)  World Bank Economic Review (August 2019) Published in Print 2020: Vol. 34( 1): pages 164–178                                                  

Informal Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms in Public Service Delivery: Evidence from the Public Distribution System in India  (with Sriniketh Nagavarapu)  Journal of Development Economics, July 2016, vol. 121: 63-78                                                    

  Media Coverage: Wall Street Journal BLOG ; Ideas for India Policy Article                                     

Adoption of Water-Saving Infrastructure in Agriculture: The Case of Laser Levelers (with Nathan Larson and Rajinder Sidhu)      

Water Resources and Economics, April 2016, Vol. 14: 44-64

 Dowry Deaths: Response to Weather Variability in India  (with Adam Storeygard)  Journal of Development Economics, November 2014, Vol. 111: 212-223)                                

Media Coverage:  Calcutta Telegraph ; KCBS Radio, San Francisco California; Featured in ; UVA Today

Intergenerational Consequences of Early Age Marriages of Girls: Effect on Children’s Human Capital (with Sisir Debnath)  Journal of Development Studies, December 2014, Vol. 50 (12):1670-1686             

Wells, Water and Welfare: Impact of Access to Groundwater on Rural Poverty and Conflict    American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2014, Vol. 6(3): 76-102).  Online Appendix

 Public Provision and Protection of Natural Resources: Groundwater Irrigation in Rural India (Dissertation Version)       American Economic Journal: Applied Economics,October 2011, Vol. 3(4): 29-55. Online Appendix                                       

Media Coverage:  Featured in Water Blog, Earth Institute, Columbia University 

 Plugging PDS Pilferage: A Study of an SMS-based Monitoring Project (with Sriniketh Nagavarapu)    Economic and Political Weekly, March 29, 2014 vol XIIX no 13, 61-65                                                                     

Caste-Based Clustering of Land Parcels in Two Villages in Uttar Pradesh         Review of Rural Affairs, Economic and Political Weekly, June 30, 2012, Vol - XLVII No. 26-27

Sustaining Groundwater: Role of Policy Reforms in Promoting Conservation in India    India Policy Forum 2012-13: Volume 9, Editors Shekhar Shah, Barry Bosworth, and Arvind Panagariya