I am a tenured associate professor in the department of Economics at UVa. I got my PhD from Brown University. As a development economist, most of my research is in two thematic areas. I use theoretical insights and data to answer questions related to causes and consequences of water scarcity and pollution.  I also address issues related to gender-based violence. My other interests are higher education, skilled labor markets, and state capacity in developing countries. My work often uses primary datasets that I generate based on surveys I conduct and is informed by insights from various disciplines. I have conducted extensive field -work in India.

I am interested in understanding how technological solutions (systems, processes, tech applications)  address development challenges. 


Email:   SSekhri@virginia.edu

Phone:  434-982-4286

Fax:      434-982-2904

Address :  PO Box 400182, University of Virginia , Charlottesville, VA 22904

Office:       258 Monroe Hall

                                Sheetal Sekhri

                                                           Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Virginia