Dr. Martic

Dr. Sanela Martic

Dr. Sanela Martic is the Associate Professor, who joined the Forensic Science Department at Trent University in January 2019. Prior to Trent, she was a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at Oakland University (USA) as an Assistant Professor (2012-2017) and Associate Professor (2017-2018). Dr. Martic received Ph.D. degree in 2009 from Queen's University, under the supervision of Prof. Suning Wang and co-supervision of Prof. Gang Wu. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the synthesis of fluorescent nucleosides and their self-assembly. In 2009, she joined the research group of Prof. Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (currently at the University of Toronto Scarborough, previously at Western University) as a postdoctoral fellow. Her PDF work was based on synthesizing redox active bioconjugates for bioelectrochemical analysis. 

Currently, Dr. Martic explores structure, property and function of a diverse group of molecules that are of relevance to forensic, biomedical, environmental and material sciences. 

Dr. Martic is the Director-at-large on the CSC Board, board member of the CSC WIDE committee, secretary and treasurer of the ECS Canada Chapter, member-at-large for CSMB, and member of the CSMB conference committee.

e-mail: sanelamartic@trentu.ca 

twitter: @MarticSanela