Martic Lab

Welcome to the Electrochemistry and Biophysical Chemistry lab  @ Trent University! 

The research in Martic group is at the interface of chemistry and biochemistry with applications in materials, environmental, forensic and biomedical sciences, and towards green and sustainable technologies to meet the current global challenges.

Our group evaluates small molecules (organics, metal ions, drugs, metabolites, pollutants) as well as large molecules (peptides, proteins, DNA) in solution and on surfaces. We take advantage of the chemical structures, properties, interactions and functions to develop innovative methodologies/technologies/approaches. 

Students in Martic Lab will gain experience in materials science, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, and organic chemistry.

Student who are interested in joining the lab should contact Dr. Sanela Martic (

Sanela Martic, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Forensic Science 

1600 West Bank Drive

Trent University

Peterborough, Ontario


K9L 0G2

twitter: @MarticSanela

Office: ESB A117

Office phone: 705-748-1011 ext. 7710

Lab: ESB A116, ESB A119