Virtual Calm Room

Sometimes, difficult thoughts or feelings can get in the way of you doing the things you want to do. It happens to everyone! If you are experiencing these, it can help to choose activities that can be calming. Try out all of these options and see what works for you. Remember, the best self-care routine is the one you actually practice!


Self-care is the practice of doing things that help you feel relaxed, energized, or in control. It is likely that you already do some of these practices! Here are some ideas; anything safe and adult-approved that helps you feel better can be an option for you, too.

Mental Self-Care

  • Avoiding drama

  • Saying "no" when someone asks you to do something outside of your values

  • Taking the word "should" out of your vocabulary

  • Taking a nap after school

  • Challenging your negative thinking

  • Doing routines a little differently

  • Rearranging your room

  • Creating a healthy wake-up ritual

  • Scheduling "me time" for yourself

  • Rewarding yourself for completing small tasks

  • Trying out a new game

  • Learning a new skill

  • Decluttering or saying goodbye to unwanted belongings

  • Creating a self-care plan

  • Unplugging from screens for an hour

Emotional Self-Care

  • Allowing yourself to fully feel and express your feelings in a safe and appropriate environment

  • Asking friends to give you positive feedback

  • Choosing to only saying positive, constructive things

  • Paying attention to your breathing

  • Connecting to your spiritual or religious beliefs

  • Writing in a journal or notebook

  • Giving your time and attention to help others

  • Unfollowing or muting others who say negative things in your social media

  • Cleaning your room or work area

  • Noticing your thoughts without judgment

  • Revisiting happy memories

  • Identifying your feelings

  • Listening to relaxing music or nature sounds

  • Joining an extracurricular activity with an adult's help

  • Signing up for counseling or therapy with an adult's help

Physical Self-Care

  • Getting up and doing a stretch

  • Making sure to get enough good quality sleep

  • Breathing deeply

  • Drinking more water

  • Getting physical exercise in whatever way works for you

  • Going outside and spending time in the sun

  • Practicing yoga or mindful stretching

  • Taking a quick, 10-20 minute nap

  • Walking your dog

  • Dancing to your favorite song

  • Eating a variety of colorful, natural foods

  • Limiting your caffeine intake

  • Turning off "blue screens" (TV, phones, computer) at least an hour before bed

  • Going for a run

  • Trying out for a school sport

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is an intentional practice of watching your thoughts and feelings without judgment. When you notice your mind wander, congratulate yourself for noticing, and then nonjudgmentally return to watching.

Mindfulness is paying attention during your everyday activities and returning to paying attention when you notice you are lost in thought. You can practice mindfulness while brushing your teeth, in class, or even while running!

There are many iPhone and Android apps that can help guide you through the meditation process. Find more apps for wellness here!


Yoga includes physical exercise, but it's also about life balance. Training your mind, body, and breath — as well as connecting with your spirituality — are its main goals. Try some of these gentle stretches or more advanced practices and see if it works for you!

Calming Videos

Sometimes, our brains just need a break. If it's the right time, take a few moments for yourself and watch one of these calming videos. See how you feel before and after you watch them!

When to Ask for Help

For some people, practicing self-care isn't enough. Sometimes, difficult thoughts, feelings, or experiences make it necessary to ask for help. Students, talk to an adult if you are struggling with:

  • Intrusive thoughts that make you uncomfortable

  • Feelings that you can't cope with

  • Behaviors that might get you in trouble

  • Behaviors that are unsafe

  • Behaviors that you can't seem to control

  • Someone is hurting you or making you feel unsafe

  • You are hurting yourself, someone else, or property

It is a good idea to start talking with an adult that you live with. You can also reach out to the school for help. We're here for you!