Week 5

June 29 - July 3, 2020

Coding - Elementary (4-5) - Part 2

Description: This session is designed for students in grades four and five. Skills in this class will focus on using events, loops, and conditionals to create personalized games. Students will also design characters, make special effects and debug programs. There will be challenges and competitions students can participate in. This course is a two-week course, with this week being the second part.

Teachers: Chanda Harkness, Gail Ramirez

Schedule: June 22 - July 3 (9:00am Monday-Friday) (Continues from week 4)

Delivered through: Zoom sessions for direct instruction, Tynker website on computer (PC, Mac, Chromebook)

Coding - Secondary (9-12) - Part 2

Description: This session is scaffolded to meet students at their skill levels. We will be working with Javascript, and Python with how it relates to creating games. There will also be challenge cards and competitions in which the students can participate. This is a fun class where students can work at their own pace. Zoom meetings are held to provide enough instruction to get started and to offer students an opportunity to ask questions. Once you understand coding, you can create your own activity with the new tools you have learned. Zoom meetings are held to provide enough instruction to get started and to offer students an opportunity to ask questions. Zoom meetings are held to provide enough instruction to get started and to offer students an opportunity to ask questions. This course is a two-week course, with this week being the second part.

Teachers: Emily Davis, Gail Ramirez

Schedule: Daily Zooms 11:00am-11:30am, June 22 - July 3 (mornings) - 2 weeks, daily (continued from week 4) assigned work at own pace

Delivered through: Zoom sessions for direct instruction, Tynker website on computer (PC, Mac, Chromebook)

Middle School Book Club: The Yang Gang (6-8) - Part 4

Description: Mia Tang and her parents expected to work hard when they came to the United States, but they had no idea how difficult things would be. After a year or two struggling to make ends meet, they find themselves managing a motel for a cruel and exploitive owner. The work is exhausting and the problems are many, but the Tangs approach their new responsibility with determination, creativity, and compassion, making friends everywhere and sheltering a trickle of immigrants in worse straits than themselves. Ten-year-old Mia takes over the front desk, and makes it her own, while dreaming of a future as a writer. Based on Yang's own experiences as a new immigrant in the 1980s and 1990s, her novel speaks openly of hardship, poverty, assault, racism, and bullying, but keeps a light, positive tone throughout. This is the final week of this four-week course. (June 8-July 6)

Teacher: S. Ritter/S. Merriam

Schedule: Zoom on Mondays 9:30-10:30 w/written work due each Friday (Continues from week 4)

Delivered through: Zoom on Mondays w/written work due each Friday

World Language - French (6-10) - Part 1

Description: Come explore a new culture through a new language with singing, dancing and other fun activities. Come one come all!

Teacher: Stephanie Crawford

Schedule: 11:00am Monday-Friday (continues to Week 6)

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Explore the Spanish Culture (3-5)- Part 5

Description: Welcome to this fabulous Spanish summer class. In this 6-week course, you will learn the basics of all the different elements of the language: writing, listening, speaking and reading through games and songs. Our Zoom meetings will meet for 45 min daily (from Monday to Thursday) for six weeks. These sessions are beneficial for students without previous knowledge of the language or even with some background when it comes to Spanish language, because absorbing the culture is just as important as learning the language, making our Spanish summer classes an unforgettable experience. This is week five of this six-week course.

Teacher: Alba Garcia Calatayud

Schedule: 11:00-11:45am Monday-Thursday (continues in Week 6)

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Family Spanish Camp - Part 4

*This camp is designed for parents and students (1st-5th grade) who have already learned some Spanish.

Description: Each week, students and parents will pick a theme for the week's activities. Based on this theme, we will practice words, phrases, and conversations in a variety of ways and with activities (both digital and non). Participants will practice vocabulary, engage in conversation, create, and produce Spanish in a fun, low-risk, activity-based environment. This is the final week of this four-week course.

Teacher: Ms. Ann Gorsuch/Dr. Pilar Mejia

Schedule: Zoom Class on Tuesday & Thursday from 11:30-12:30. Activities posted on Google Classroom on Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

Delivered through: Google Classroom with the join code: 47yg74t. Click here to learn how to join google classroom. Please join, and fill out the Weekly Topics Survey before June 8th as we need to know what topics you are interested in learning about!

Math Camp (2-3) Part 5

Description: Power through summer with these amazing power standards in math! Week 5: Math has properties!

Teacher: Brandy Ruby/Tracy Wilson

Schedule: 10:00am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Continues to Week 6)

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Math Camp (4-5) Part 3

Description: Find the value in Place Value! Dig into math activities and see how you can apply these fun, interactive lessons into real-world situations using more than paper and pencil. This is week three of this four-week course.

Teacher: Nettie Johnson/Jeri Finson

Schedule: 10:00am Tuesday/Thursday (Continues to Week 6)

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Future Engineers of America (3-5) - Part 1

Description: Put on your hard hat and test your engineering skills. Learn to build a catapult, egg drop basket, towers, and a maze with materials around the house! This program takes a dive into the fun contraptions that can be built with your own two hands. This is a two-week course and a repeated session from Week 3.

Teacher: Rachel Brokaw/Madison Lingard

Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm (continues to Week 6)

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Summer Book Club: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (6-8) - Part 2

Description: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry follows Cassie Logan through the events of one turbulent year. The year of the night riders, the burnings, the year a white girl humiliates Cassie in public simply because she's black, and the year Cassie realizes that there are some things so special, no one can take them from you. Students will have discussion questions and participate in extension activities like poetry writing, historical research, and digital field trips! This is week two of a three-week course.

Teacher: Amber Enneking

Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:00am (continues to Week 6)

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