Mezzo Choir
Mezzo Choir
The Mezzo Choir is made up of 7th and 8th grade students wishing to sing in choir. Students involved in the Mezzo Choir will focus on proper singing and voice techniques, continued development of part singing, learning proper rehearsal etiquette and prepare for concerts throughout the year. The Mezzo Choir will peform a fall, winter and spring concert.
Course Description and ObjectivesStudents participating in Junior High Choir will be challenged to develop their musicianship by means of a large group ensemble. Preparing and rehearsing music, singing in parts, singing with proper posture as well as general musical knowledge will be the primary focus of this class. The student will be engaged in the rehearsal process on a daily basis and discover where and how their specific role fits into the choir as well as build the fundamentals for future placement in Concert Choir.
Junior High Choir Time/Days
1:15 - 2:00
Tuesday - Thursday
Materials Needed
An engaged mind
Music and Folder (provided throughout the course)
Classroom Rules/Expectations
Involvement in a performance based group requires participation of all members of that group. It is expected that all students will participate on a daily basis. An honest effort is expected by all members of the Junior High Choir. Mistakes are expected and need to be treated as part of the learning process. A safe environment for all members of the choir is vital to our success as a group and it is expected that there will be no negative comments regarding other members' mistakes, questions and/or concerns that may arise. Please come ready to sing, have fun and learn about music!
Typical classroom etiquette is expected at all times. Students that choose to behave outside of these expectations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Consequences include verbal warnings, written warnings, removal from the classroom, parent/teacher conference and up to and including removal from the program.
Zero cell phone use during class meeting time is the only acceptable amount of cell phone usage tolerable by Mr. Uhlir. Cell phones will be placed in the cell phone holders during class.
NO GUM is allowed in the music room.
Grading Policy
Attendance and Participation is vital to the success of the group. Students will begin each 9 week period with full credit and lose 2 points per day for any unexcused absences, lack of participation during normal meeting times or general disregard of classroom etiquette discussed previously.
Concerts and Performances are required by all students. In the event a student must miss a concert performance a makeup assignment will be discussed and assigned. Unexcused absences of scheduled concerts will result in a loss of 30 participation points.
Part Assignments
Students will be placed on appropriate voicings corresponding to the students vocal range. This may change throughout the year based on the students' growing vocal range.
Thompson Music Department Dates 2022-2023
October 17th, 2023 - Gr 6-12 Band and Choir Concert 7:00pm
Dec. 14, 2023 - Gr. 5-12 Christmas-Holiday Concert 7:00pm
April 18, 2024 - Gr. 5-8 Spring Concert (Band and Choir) 7:00pm
If for any reason a student is unable to attend a concert Mr. Uhlir needs a written excuse from the absent student’s parents. A make up assignment will be required.
All Concerts will begin at 7:00 PM
5-8 grade Concert Dress will be a white shirt, black pants, black socks and black shoes.
The Christmas concert theme will be “Christmas/Holiday Attire”.
Unauthorized cell phone/earbud/smart watch use in class will result in a loss of the day's participation points for the first offense. A second offense will result in loss of the device for the day. Third offense will result in the student being required to leave their devices in the main office prior to class.