Concert Band
Concert Band
The Thompson High School Concert Band is geared for students in grades 9-12. Students that are members of the Concert Band will perform a fall, Christmas and spring concert as well as multiple sporting events throughout the school year as part of the Pep Band. Concert Band members also have the opportunity to compete at small and large group festival both regionally and at the state level if they qualify.
Course Description and Objectives
Students participating in Concert Band will be challenged to develop their musicianship by means of a large group ensemble. Preparing and rehearsing music, tone production, technique, sight reading, breathing and general knowledge of musical terms will be the primary focus of this class. The student will be engaged in the rehearsal process on a daily basis and discover where and how their specific role fits into the band. Pep Band is included as part of Concert Band and is considered a vital part of the success of the Concert Band as well as each individual’s success on their own instrument.
Concert Band Time/Days
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Students need to be seated, ready to play at 12:28
Materials Needed
An engaged mind
Appropriate Accessories (valve oil, reeds, neck straps, sticks, etc)
Music and Folder (provided throughout the course)
Classroom Rules/Expectations - Involvement in a performance based group requires participation of all members of that group. It is expected that all students will participate on a daily basis. An honest effort is expected by all members of the Concert Band. Mistakes are expected and need to be treated as part of the learning process. A safe environment for all members of the band is vital to our success as a group and it is expected that there will be no negative comments regarding other members' missed notes or rhythms, questions and/or concerns that may arise. Pep Band participation is expected of each member of the Concert Band as it has a direct impact on the student’s ability to play their instruments. An open mind is expected by all students. Please come ready to rehearse, have fun and learn about music!
Typical classroom etiquette is expected at all times. Students that choose to behave outside of these expectations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Consequences include verbal warnings, written warnings, removal from the classroom, parent/teacher conference and up to and including removal from the program.
NO GUM is allowed in the music room.
Grading Policy - Attendance and Participation is vital to the success of the group. Students will begin each 9 week period with full credit and lose 2 points per day for any unexcused absences, lack of participation during normal meeting times or general disregard of classroom etiquette discussed previously.
Concerts and Performances are required by all students. In the event a student must miss a concert performance a makeup assignment will be discussed and assigned. Unexcused absences of scheduled concerts will result in a loss of 30 participation points.
Students will be required to attend 2 Pep Band Performances during each semester. Please see the dates below.
Students will have a scale test at the end of the year
Wind Players
Wind players are expected to have a working instrument at all times. This includes having necessary reeds for woodwind players as well as functioning valves and slides on brass instruments. If the student’s horn isn’t working it is their responsibility to notify Mr. Uhlir so we can get it fixed. Daily points will be lost if a student’s horn is not working and the student has not made an effort to notify Mr. Uhlir to get it fixed.
Percussionists will be expected to have the necessary mallets and/or sticks to perform their assigned parts for each piece. Participation points will be lost if a percussionist does not have the appropriate equipment to perform their assigned part and no effort has been made to notify Mr. Uhlir of the problem. All percussionists will be expected to play mallet instruments throughout the year.
Part Assignments
Filling each part of a given piece is vital to the success of the band. The student will most likely play the same part on each piece, however sometimes may be asked to play up or play down depending on the needs of each piece we perform.
Part assignments will be determined the first full week of rehearsals. Seniority is not a guarantee to play a 1st chair or principal part. Mr Uhlir wants all members of the concert band to be comfortable where they are playing, if a student believes they are playing the wrong part (either too far up or too far down) an audition can be scheduled with Mr. Uhlir to determine where he or she best fits into the group.
*Instrument rentals are available through TPS. Rentals will be dealt with the first day of class
*Individual lessons are also available with Mr. Uhlir. Please meet with me if you are interested.
Thompson Music Department Dates 2022-2023
Oct 10, 2023 - Pep Band Performance 1
Oct. 17, 2023 - Gr. 6-12 Band and Choir Concert 7:00pm
Dec 5, 2023 - Pep Band Performance 2
Dec. 14, 2023 - Gr. 5-12 Christmas-Holiday Concert 7:00pm
January 16, 2024 - Pep Band Performance 3
February 8th, 2024 - Pep Band Performance 4
March 12, 2024 - Regional Large Group Festival in Mayville
April 11, 2024 - Regional Small Group Festival in Mayville
May 2, - Gr. 9-12 Spring Awards Concert (Band and Choir) 7:00pm
If for any reason a student is unable to attend a concert Mr. Uhlir needs a written excuse from the absent student’s parents. A make up assignment will be required.
All Concerts will begin at 7:00 PM
Unauthorized cell phone/earbud/smart watch use in class will result in a loss of the day's participation points for the first offense. A second offense will result in loss of the device for the day. Third offense will result in the student being required to leave their devices in the main office prior to class.
Pep Band Schedule 23-24
September 12th, 2023 - Girls VB - Grafton
September 29th, 2023 - Concessions -Home FB
October 10th, 2023 - Girls VB - Park River*
October 26th, 2023 - Girls VB - Larimore
December 5th, 2023 - Girls BB - Four Winds**
December 12th, 2023 - Boys BB - MPCG
December 19th, 2023 - Girls BB - Grafton
January 12th, 2024 - Boys BB - HCV
January 16th, 2024 - Boys BB - EGF*
February 1st, 2024 - Girls BB - Carrington
February 8th, 2024 - Boys BB - Grafton**
February 15th, 2024 - Boys BB - Devils Lake
February 27th, 2024 - Boys BB - Four Winds
Arrival Times will be given prior to the date of the performance
Games listed with an asterisk (*) are required for Concert Band Members
Games listed with a double asterisk (**) are required for both Concert and Cadet Band Members
Participation in the Pep Band is expected of all students. Although all games are not required, it is strongly encouraged that you make an effort to participate.
Required games will be part of your grade for the semester.