PLD: Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Alex Hotere-Barnes)
We were fortunate to have Alex Hotere-Barnes join us for our Leadership Day in Term 3 of 2021. Below are a copy of the slides he presented. There are also links included to the rauemi (resources) he used, like the timeline of colonisation cards.

These resources, and more, can be found on the Treaty People website.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi - School Journal (Level 4)
This graphic novel provides a fresh approach to the story of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, New Zealand’s founding document. It covers a wide time span, from the arrival of Polynesian explorers to the signing of Te Tiriti, to the New Zealand Wars, and through to the modern-day Treaty settlement process. A special emphasis is put on unpacking the two versions of Te Tiriti and exploring their ongoing significance.
Link to resources: ebook | Teacher Support Material | audio