PLD: Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Alex Hotere-Barnes)

We were fortunate to have Alex Hotere-Barnes join us for our Leadership Day in Term 3 of 2021. Below are a copy of the slides he presented. There are also links included to the rauemi (resources) he used, like the timeline of colonisation cards. 

TGA Peninsula KA_130821.pptx.pdf

These resources, and more, can be found on the Treaty People website

Te Tiriti o Waitangi - School Journal (Level 4)

This graphic novel provides a fresh approach to the story of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, New Zealand’s founding document. It covers a wide time span, from the arrival of Polynesian explorers to the signing of Te Tiriti, to the New Zealand Wars, and through to the modern-day Treaty settlement process. A special emphasis is put on unpacking the two versions of Te Tiriti and exploring their ongoing significance.

Link to resources: ebook | Teacher Support Material | audio