Across School Leader:
Melissa is the ASL who leads our ECE Workstream
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Melissa
Melissa Osmond
Early Learning Setting Governance Team
Rational: To meet the aspirations of our vision statement by weaving a strong, cohesive and sustainable Early Learning Setting voice into Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako.
The ELS Governance group has been formed to bring a strong and cohesive voice on behalf of Early Learning Settings to Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako. This group aims to represent the unique characteristics of settings within our rohe.
Sheree Bos
Tēnā Koutou
E mihi ana ki ngā mana whenua.
Ko Sheree Bos tōku ingoa
Nō Tauranga ahau
E mahi ana au hei Professional Practice Leader
Ki BestStart
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa
Kia ora, It’s a privilege to represent our Early Learning Community for TPKA. Learning focused relationships and partnerships are key to realising quality educational outcomes for our tamariki and whanau. I look forward to collaborating and working with our learning community.
Dave Mudford TPKA Governance Representative
Ko Mana tōku maunga
Ko Aroha te moana
Ko whānau tōku waka
Ko au e tu atu nei
Ko Dave Mudford tōku ingoa
I am passionate about making a difference. Creating a seamless Education system starts in the early learning setting.
Alex Bedford Rolleston
Ngā Mihi Maioha ki a koutou katoa
Ko Mauao te Maunga, Ko Tauranga te Moana, Ko Tākitimu me Mataatua ngā waka,
Ko Ngāti Ranginui me Ngai te Rangi ngā Iwi, Ko Te Pirirākau, Ngāti Hangarau, Ngā Potiki, Ngāti Hē me Te Whānau a Tauwhao ngā Hapū. Ko Alex Bedford-Rolleston tōku ingoa.
Ko au te Kaiārahi ako ki Above and Beyond Gate Pā.
Nō reira tēnā koutou katoa.
E mihi ana ki a koutou katoa, I am passionate about te ao māori, the natural environment and building authentic relationships with whānau to ensure each child stands proud in their unique identity and confident in their own ability. I am excited to work alongside such knowledgeable and passionate kaiako and leaders. I look forward to bringing the unique ECE view and voice to the Kahui Ako.
Jennifer Gaylard
Tēna koutou katoa,
I tae mai ahau ki te Aotearoa i te tau 2004,
No Ingarangi ōku tīpuna,
Ko Tauranga te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara,
Ko Mauao te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau,
Ko Waikato te awa nāna ahau i whāngai,
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Tauranga e noho nei au,
Ko tēnei taku mihi ki ngā tangata whenua o te rohe nei ko Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga,
He kaiako ahau ki Tauriko Tots,
Ko Jennifer Gaylard ahau
Nō reira tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa.
Kia Ora,
I am so excited to have been given this opportunity to join a team of like minded kaiako who are all passionate about Early Childhood Education. Through partnerships across the education setting, I hope that we can work together to be a voice for our youngest tamariki. I am particularly passionate about the inclusion of tamariki with additional learning needs, and advocating for their right to equitable learning opportunities.
Lorraine Sands
In New Zealand, our Te Whāriki curriculum has enormously shaped teachers’ vision of children and the way sociocultural learning communities can be designed to positively nurture learning identities. Our learning and teaching team at Greerton Early Learning Centre focus on the process of what it takes to be a learner, inside a collaborative community where each voice can be heard. As a consequence, dispositions like empathy, courage, imagination, resilience, persistence, and skills and knowledge, catapult to the surface as the natural result of sustained play and thoughtful, cooperative inquiry. In terms of enabling children’s learning to flourish, I think we must always plan for a rich environment, full of intriguing, open-ended resources because the kinds of lived experiences these offer enable agentic learners to set their sights on tricky, challenging goals that satisfy and stretch learning dispositions. Thus, that rich environment for very young children are the people in it. It is the strength of the attachment relationships that enable children to keep stretching their responses to the outside world of places and things. Creating an environment that is calm and predictable for children as they explore, is a goal worth pursuing. Ensuring children feel contentment and curiosity in a relationally warm setting is a moment-by-moment responsibility. I have a long-standing commitment focused on ensuring that the principles of Te Whāriki are enacted in early learning settings, and I advocate for this through my work as a Professional Learning Facilitator with Educational Leadership Project and in my role as a learner, teacher, and researcher at Greerton Early Learning Centre.
Catherine Geddes
I have shown commitment to supporting the Kahui Ako through prior roles attending governance meetings, and the 5 at 5 Junior Primary and ECE hui. I am keen to help develop a strategic plan for ECE and collaborate together on these to help support learning for our tamariki. I have worked in leadership roles for many years now within Kindergarten's and would bring my knowledge and experience to the group.
Term 3/4 Pānui 2024
Education Gazette - Sharing and celebrating our suceses
Kaiako from the Gate Pā hāpori (neighbourhood) discuss the benefits of sharing information about the interests and strengths of tamariki as they embark on a transition to kura.
Transition to Kura Collaborative Inquiry
5@5.5 - Wednesdays, Week 5 at 5:30pm every term.
Each term our Early Learning Settings and Kura collaborate on wise practice surrounding transitions. Our kaupapa is guided by the following research question...
"How can we collaboratively enhance the transition to school process for ākonga and their whānau by developing strong partnerships between ECE and Kura?"
Our hui are hosted by either an ECE or kura, which gives the group an opportunity to explore new settings and learn about our unique learning and teaching contexts.
We then review one of our 'Wise Practice Statements' in order to establish shared language and understanding.
If you would like more information about these hui, please contact Melissa: acrossecelead@gmail.com
Click here to download our Wise Practice Statements.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Each term we have a number of opportunities for ECE kaiako to participate in professional learning.
This learning is needs based, which means that we listen to the voice of our learning and teaching community and plan events that will support the growth and development of teachers and leadership teams.
Sometimes our PLD is collaborative with our kura and other times it is specifically designed for ECE. Experts from our rohe, and beyond, support us with this learning, so our mahi is always exciting and inspiring.