就学手続書類/Enrollment Procedure Documents

就学手続書類の準備/Preparing Enrollment Documents

2024年度 就学手続案内」のp.5~p.6をご確認のうえ、必要書類をご用意ください。

Please check the p.21 to p.23 of the ”For Admission in Spring AY2024 Admission Procedure / Enrollment Procedure Guide" and prepare all the necessary documents.

就学手続書類の発送/Shipping of enrollment procedure documents

2024年度 就学手続案内」のp.1をご確認のうえ、必要書類をご郵送ください。

Please check the p.21 to p.23 of the ”For Admission in Spring AY2024 Admission Procedure / Enrollment Procedure Guide" and send the documents by mail.

※Successful applicants for the following entrance examinations are not required to submit the application by mail. 

 For details, please check p.21 of the ”For Admission in Spring AY2024 Admission Procedure / Enrollment Procedure Guide"