Registered Information

Student ID Number

Upon enrolling at the University, each student will be assigned a unique 10-digit number called a “student ID number.” In principle, the same number will be used from the time of admission to graduation. As shown below, a student ID number indicates the faculty/department the student is enrolled in, the year in which the student was enrolled, etc. The student ID number is the number that identifies each student.

So you have to write your student ID number accurately when you are asked to write your student ID number, for example, when registering for subjects, submitting exam answer sheets, submitting notification forms, and applying for certificates.

Student ID Card

Upon completion of the enrollment procedures, a student ID card will be issued. Your student ID card is proof that you are a student of Toyo University. You must always carry your student ID card with you. A student ID card is not valid without a seal of the President, the student’s photo, and a backside sticker. Students must not lend or give their ID card to any other person.

Vaild Period and Renewal Procedures

Your Student ID Card issued upon your admission will be used until your graduation. However, unless you revalidate the card, it is valid for only about one year: from April 1 to April 15 of the next academic year if you are admitted in the spring, or from October 1 to October 15 of the next academic year if you are admitted in the fall. You must have your Student ID Card revalidated by changing the sticker on the back of the card during the period of the procedure for academic year promotion in early April or late September every year.

Returning a Student ID Card

When your status ends due to graduation or withdrawal/dismissal, you must return your student ID card to the University.


If you have your ID card damaged or lost it, report it promptly to the University. Then, apply for reissuance by following the procedures indicated below.

Flow of Procedures
Submit a Notification of Lost Item to the Student Support Section.
Print out a Student ID Card Reissuance Application Form from an automated certificate-issuing machine.
Ask the Student Support Section to affix a confirmation seal on the reissuance application form.
Submit the reissuance application form ( ③ ) to the Education Affairs Section.
Receive a new student ID card at the Education Affairs Section one week later.

Personal identification number to be used for certificate-issuing machines

To prevent the unauthorized use by a third party, a four-digit personal identification number (PIN) is registered on the card. In order to issue a certificate from a certificate-issuing machine, you need to enter your PIN, which you registered at the time of the online admission procedure. So be sure to memorize your PIN. You are advised to make a note of your PIN and keep it in a safe place.

If you do not remember your PIN, consult the Education Affairs Section.


Changes in Registered Information

If there are any changes in your personal information registered at the time of admission, immediately notify Education Affairs Section, as indicated below. For some items (see the table below), changes can be made via ToyoNet-G (from Student Menu, go to Personal Information Management, then Request for Student Information Change).

Standard Period of Study / Maximum Period of Enrollment / Period of Leve of Absence

Standard Period of Study

The standard period of study refers to the number of years that students are required to attend school to graduate. In order to graduate, students must be enrolled in the University for at least four years.


Maximum Period of Enrollent

The maximum number of years for which students can be enrolled in the University is eight years. Students cannot extend their enrollment beyond this period. A period of absence is not included in the period of enrollment.


Period of Leave of Absence

The total length of a leave of absence may not exceed eight semesters (four years).


Repeating of the Fourth Year

To be eligible for graduation, students must be enrolled in the University for at least four years and complete the prescribed number of credits.

If you fail to earn the prescribed number of credits at the end of your fourth year, you will not be able to graduate and will need to repeat your fourth year. This is called grade retention. The maximum number of years for which you can be enrolled in the University to complete the required number of credits for graduation is eight years (excluding the period of a leave of absence). So you have to repeat the fourth year to complete the required number of credits for graduation, until you reach the maximum period of enrollment.

Students who could not graduate within the maximum period of enrollment are required to complete the procedure at the Education Affairs Section in accordance with the guidelines mailed to them from the Section.