
Students who are unable to continue their studies at Toyo University due to compelling circumstances may voluntarily withdraw from the University with its permission. 

To withdraw from the University, you must complete the following steps: receive an explanation from the Education Affairs Section about the withdrawal procedure; fill in the necessary items on the request form; and submit the completed form, together with your student ID card, to the Education Affairs Section.

Flow of Withdrawal Procedure

Receive an explanation from the Education Affairs Section about the withdrawal procedure and receive a Withdrawal Request Form.
Fill in the necessary items on the form.
Submit an application for permission to the Student Support Section and receive confirmation regarding the scholarship.
Submit the completed form and your student ID card to the Education Affairs Section.
Receive a Letter of Approval for Withdrawal sent from the Education Affairs Section.

The procedure must be carried out by the student him/herself. If the student cannot perform the procedure due to a compelling reason, consult the Education Affairs Section in advance.
Absence Request Form must be countersigned by the student and the guarantor.
When you take a leave of absence for illness or injury, you must submit a medical certificate from your physician, together with the request form.

Period of Leave of Absence and Application Deadline

Spring semesterUntil  May 31st
Fall semester:Untill Novenber 10th

How to Fill Out the Withdrawal Request Form

Handling of Tuition and Fees

① In the case of withdrawal in the middle of a spring semester 

・If you withdraw from the University in the middle of a spring semester, the tuition and fees for the first (spring) semester will not be refunded. 

・If you have already paid the whole amount of yearly fees, the tuition and fees for the second (fall) semester will be refunded. 

・Refund will the next month after sending the withdrawal certificate. 

② In the case of withdrawal in the middle of a fall semester 

・If you withdraw from the University in the middle of a fall semester, the tuition and fees for the second (fall) semester will not be refunded. 

If you apply for withdrawal before the last day of the payment deadline for the new semester, the date of withdrawal is deemed to be the last day of the previous semester. Therefore, you need not pay tuition and fees for the relevant academic year/semester.

Regarding Sending of Withdrawal Certificate Regarding Sending of Withdrawal Certificate

Upon approval by the University of a student’s request, a withdrawal certificate will be issued. In the case of a student in Division 1 (Day Course), a withdrawal certificate will be mailed to the student’s guarantor; in the case of a student in the Evening Course, a withdrawal certificate will be mailed to the student’s financial supporter.

Obtaining the Request Form for Change in Enrollment Status

In principle, you are to obtain the request form after consulting with Education Affairs Section. If you find it difficult to visit the office, you could download form ToyoNet-G.