Special intertest groups



We are the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), a federation of educational professionals committed to empowering our careers, communities, and students. We strive to obtain fair salaries and safe working conditions. As a union, we actively advocate for the acquisition of educational equity while ensuring that educational standards and safety are improved. We strive to make schools safer and more organized, as well as to reduce the sizes of classes to prevent overcrowding of our schools. We aim to foster strong parent involvement in our schools while reaching out to our community through assistance, partnerships, workshops, and extensive programs. Overall, our member-driven organization will expose any corruption that takes place in schools annd fight for public school resources. In doing so, we invest in our community and in the education of the next generation.

Black lives matter

Black Lives Matter was founded by three female Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer in 2013. Starting off as a hashtag, the movement’s goal is to eliminate white supremacy and combat police brutality and systemic racism. We are a global organization with chapters in the US, UK, and Canada. This election focus on promoting voter registration "among Millennials, Generation Z, the Black community, and allies'' and education voters about a wide range of issues including "racial injustice, police brutality, criminal justice reform, Black immigration, economic injustice, LGBTQIA+ and human rights, environmental injustice, access to healthcare, access to quality education, and voting rights and suppression." Due to the recent murder of George Floyd, the role of black lives matter has been more prominet than before. Marchers took to the streets to protest against police brutality and call for change.

planned Parenthood

We are Planned Parenthood. We provide healthcare services like contraceptives, medical procedures, STD testing and emergency contraceptives. We are constantly fighting for equal access to sex ed, healthcare services, and opportunities for a better life.

Vote for Pro Choice

We as #VoteProchoice want to inform voters about candidates who coincide with our beliefs on the right for women to choose. Additionally, we provide a voter guide that lists out these candidates for citizens. Prochoice is not pro abortion, but for giving women the chance to do what they want with their body. With the recent Texas Senate Bill 8, we have seen how women’s right to get an abortion is being threatened by many legislators in our country, but that is just on a state level. As of right now, the House of Representatives was able to advance the “Women’s Health Protection Act'', which protects women’s reproductive rights and nullifies any restrictions placed by Republican controlled state governments. Unfortunately, many believe that the Senate will not allow it to pass as the Republicans hold enough votes to reject it. Thus, we now need to come together to protect women’s reproductive rights because as shown on a state and even national level, these rights are being challenged.

Asian American legal defense and education fund

The mission of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is to address the local and national civil rights matters Asian-Americans are encountering. We address a variety of issues, such as immigrant rights, voting rights, economic justice for workers, and fighting against anti-Asian violence. Our work entails litigating relevant cases in order to support and protect Asians against discrimination, harassment, and violence. We also assist new immigrants and low income Asian Americans in our free, multilingual legal advice clinics. Furthermore, we seek to educate students about public interest law and motivate them to use their skills to help the community. Most importantly, we educate Asian Americans about their legal rights so they are able to advocate for themselves. With our abundant resources, the AALDEF aims to tackle critical issues in order to protect the civil rights of Asian Americans.

Make the road Ny

Our goal is to try and improve the lives of people struggling because of their immigration status, race and gender identity by combating systemic problems in education, health care, housing and other issues to help them live more safe and stable lives. First and foremost, we seek to establish an optimal learning environment in our schools that often face overcrowding. For housing justice, we work to fight against the environmental racism that has relegated minorities to live in derelict conditions plagued with pollution and poor housing conditions. For immigration status and workplace justice, we work to keep immigrants from being criminalized and deported, exploited for undercompensated labor, and becoming silent victims of crimes. For miscellaneous community outreach, we provide necessary services to tens of thousands of people each year, including teaching English as a second language and legal representation in both housing and immigration. For policing and criminal justice, we are committed to working out a solution to the over-policing issue in neighborhoods and ending the school-to-prison pipeline that plagues many immigrant students of color. For healthcare justice, we work to provide equal health coverage to all. Lastly, we also seek to establish equal treatment for TGNCIQ( transgender, gender non-conforming, intersex, and queer) members of the community that often face job discrimination, violence, and denial of basic services.

Coalition for the homeless

The Coalition for the Homeless advocates for affordable housing, sufficient food, and access to living wages, with the aim of providing New York the fundamental right of housing. Every New Yorker deserves a home.

Doctor’s Council National Association of Social Workers

Consisting of doctors from New York to Illinois, working in all fields, the Doctors Council aims to unite both doctors and communities while advocating for quality and affordable healthcare for all patients, and improving working conditions for doctors. We advocate for safe working and patient environments. Doctors are essential in serving society, and it is imperative that they feel well taken care of and valued in the places that they work so hard to help. By electing officials who not only hold similar beliefs, but also prioritize them, we hope to spread and achieve the goals of the Doctors Council. So far we’ve endorsed Eric Adams for Mayor, Jumaane Williams for Public Advocate, and Corey Johnson for Comptroller. By endorsing these candidates, we feel that we are amplifying the voices of doctors through the various healthcare systems in NY, especially in a year that has been full of hardships for both doctors and patients alike. We hope to work together toward a safer, more fair environment for our patients and doctors together.

National institute for reproductive health Action Fund Pac

We, the National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund, strive to empower political figures who support reproductive rights as fundamental human rights. We work hand in hand with allied groups and elected officials that can promote the advocacy for the protection of reproductive rights through proactive policies. We also engage in public education campaigns in order to educate the community about the importance of reproductive health care access, such as contraception and abortions. Our organization feels that it is important for sex education curriculums to be LGBTQ-inclusive, culturally effective, and factual. Our work also consists of decriminalizing cases of self-managed abortions while making sure that women from minority backgrounds are able to access safe healthcare. We aim to redefine the role that support for abortion access plays in the political process by promoting these ideals and assisting candidates and campaigns in elevating their strong support for reproductive freedom. Overall, the NIRH works to reduce inequalities and increase the access women have to reproductive health care.

New york state nurses association

Health is an essential part to the quality of everyone’s life. At the New York State Nurses Association, we believe that this extends to our health care workers as well. Our mission is to advocate for the health and safety of all nursing staff in the great state of New York. To ensure this for nurses, the state must immediately implement a mandatory mask policy and push for vaccinations. Additionally, we call for single-payer medicare for all systems that provide high quality care for everyone. We need fair staffing ratios, quality care conditions, and professional pay and benefits. We are committed to prevent further closings of hospitals and want to keep the public hospitals from becoming private. And lastly, after superstorm Sandy hit, science showed us that climate change will cause immediate consequences on levels similar to that of Sandy. Thus we will do everything within our capability to support climate justice. The rights of nurses are just as important and inalienable as the average citizen.

Courage to change

Our mission is to help New Yorkers elect a progressive council with a commitment to racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. We support progressive movements, ethical fundraising, prioritizing the workforce, investing in better infrastructure, and reducing the NYPD budget to fund community-based support systems. In advocating for candidates who demonstrate drive and grit in spite of systematic pressures within our political system, we will accomplish our goals of instating progressive societal change.


Guardian Angels

The Guardian Angels, the non-profit organization in New York City has formed hundreds of safety patrol chapters in the United States and around the world since 1979. The "Magnificent 13," include Curtis Silwa and 12 volunteers that rode the subways to conduct safety patrols. Thousands of people have joined the Guardian Angels in over 130 locations across 13 countries to safeguard their communities. The motive is to help the community and significantly improve the lives of people by protecting them for the past 47 years. The Angels are known for being communal role models and are present to make sure the communities problems are solved, as they know it has to be done as a community not individually. They require and push for participacion of members in the community. It’s an act of service and I want to promote the importance of instilling community pride and civic awareness. Focusing entirely on protection rather than prevention, the Guardian Angels seek to prevent crime. The Patrol Volunteers are given extensive training in self- and other-protection while maintaining patrol of the neighborhood every day. Fighting against street crime takes courage and bravery. People are inspired by the Guardian Angels because of how they teach practical skills and a basis of "self-help" abilities in schools, chapter facilities, community centers and more.

national association of police organizations

The National Association of Police Organizations is a union founded in 1978 to protect the lives within the Police Force. It focuses on advocating for increased law enforcement protection, combatting the defunding of the police, and preventing public slander and rebellion against law enforcement. NAPO makes various statements attempting to protect the honor of those who serve to protect our citizens. We believe in accountability and holding our officers at a high standard. However, we do not tolerate the generalizations made towards officers that may harm the Police Force as a whole. There have been many instances in the past where the idea of the police is defamed due to a minority of irresponsible officers, and we as a union attempt to defend the majority of officers that are pure-hearted. NAPO also tries to push for legislation that honors and protects those who have dedicated their lives to serving and protecting. Join NAPO’s mission in fighting for our beloved officers.

New york state rifle and pistol association

We are an organization dedicated to maintaining one of our most fundamental rights, which is the right to bear arms. We’ve been fighting for your ability to defend yourself since 1871, longer than any other gun advocacy group in the nation. We value every New Yorker’s God-given right to bear arms. We are the largest firearm advocacy group in the state, reaching out to all corners of New York. Our main focus is to make all gun laws uniform across the state and remove the restrictions on gun laws the city currently has. Remember, only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Join us and fight for a safer New York.


New York civil liberties union

Our mission is to preserve the civil liberties of all New Yorkers by defending the ideals integrated in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the New York Constitution. This involves holding campaigns, working in courts, and legislative advocacy to protect the rights of all people. We support the protection of the right to free speech and assembly, regardless of the views of a people or organization. A key part of our aim is to make sure New Yorkers are aware of their rights, so they are able to recognize and respond effectively when they are being violated. Our government has historically discriminated against minority groups and neglected low-income residents. The NYCLU will ensure New Yorkers have an equal chance at opportunities and the ability to partake in government decisions that affect them.

Children's heath defense

At Children’s Health Defense, we work diligently to end childhood health epidemics by persistently working to expose causes, eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable for their actions, seek justice for the injured, and establish safeguards so that it will never happen to children again. We personally feel that current public health policies and practices are harming our children in ways that could have a permanent impact on their lives and wellbeing. Thus, we demand scientific integrity in matters concerning public health. Currently, a major focus of ours is improving vaccine safety for all children and adults in the United States by preserving individuals’ right to make informed decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In these unprecedented times, transparency and proper safeguards are important in preserving the integrity of our health system. Each and every individual who is a part of this movement is willing to help in any shape or form. We hope to garner more support, research, and transparency in the area of public health in order to prevent children from standing in harm’s way.


New Yorkers united for justice

New York’s criminal justice system has been failing its people, especially minorities and low-income families. A parole system that keeps worthy applicants behind bars and drives up recidivism rates, a law that blinds the public to a police officer’s history of malfeasance (NY CRL 50-A), deception tactics designed to leverage blatant lies to gain confessions, indefensible paywalls for interacting with a system that demands your attention or your freedom, and many other such injustices, are antithetical to the idea of an effective, fair, and sympathetic justice system. The New Yorkers United for Justice (NYUJ) aims to bring these egregious shortcomings to the public eye and implement tried-and-true reforms that will protect our rights from a broken justice system.

Working families party

The Working Families Party is a labored aligned organization that aims to bring together the working-class community. We are separate from the bipartisan system and are committed to building a democracy that dismantles the corruption that the wealthy have inflicted on us for their own gain. We hope to create a greater and more equal America that fights for the freedom, rights, and opportunities of the people.

Enviromental defense Fund

As a bipartisan special interest group, the Environmental Defense Fund is to conserve environments and prevent climate change by finding unique long lasting solutions and supporting related initiatives. Rather than just educating people about environmental issues, we strive to get people to act on them. We use science and economics to tackle these issues and fight to protect the environment and people's health. We work towards solving critical environmental issues that span from climate to oceans to ecosystems. From farmers to corporations, our partnerships help to lengthen our reach and maximise the capability of our work. On a political level, we lobby for advocacy towards defending environmental laws.