Fire Warden
Link to current fire danger level:
Our current Fire Wardens are:
Dan Brown, Forest Fire Warden
Phone: 802-558-1944
Cell: 802-353-8049
Conrad Zeller, Deputy Fire Warden
You must contact one of the above fire wardens before burning.
Any open burning (fire not contained by an enclosure), requires a State of Vermont Open Burning Permit, unless there is snow on the ground. Fire Wardens have access to very detailed information about weather conditions and predicted fire behavior. So aside from notifying local fire departments about location and timing of fires, we are your resource for information about potentially hazardous fire conditions.
Some materials you are not allowed to burn are household garbage and trash, including tires, painted or treated lumber, and laminates such as plywood and particle board. Chittenden discourages burning at night and NO active fire is to be left unattended at any time.
Concerns about air quality and open burning may be directed to any Fire Warden or to Vermont Air Pollution Control Division at 802-241-3840.