About Us

We're excited to share our 2024 Strategic Plan for Faculty Development at the TMU School of Medicine. Discover more about the exciting initiatives below.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Planning Process Overview

This faculty development strategic planning process took place from March to April 2024. This process was informed by multiple stakeholders and by the faculty development strategic planning working group, which represented diverse teams within the School of Medicine (as outlined below). The process was iterative, involving four virtual meetings and asynchronous feedback opportunities for broader engagement. 

Strategic planning was also informed by:

The draft strategy was reviewed by key organizational stakeholders, ensuring alignment with broader School of Medicine goals. This collaborative approach facilitated a comprehensive and actionable strategic plan.

FacDev Strat Plan April Draft.pdf

Vision & Mission

Transcending Faculty Development Barriers

We empower faculty to transcend traditional medical education barriers through multimodal and technology-enhanced faculty development that meets faculty where they are to cultivate a sense of belonging and advance equity and inclusion.

We are committed to providing accessible, multimodal and multi-perspective faculty development that transcends geographical, cultural and disciplinary boundaries by transforming best practices in medical education.

Guided by a generalist perspective, equity-informed approaches and community needs, we champion collaboration, diversity and sharing to enrich educational experiences. Our goal is to enable faculty to navigate the evolving complexities of academic healthcare with confidence, creativity, critical thinking and compassion.


Strategic Priorities