Why be a NHS porter?

First lets explain what a porter is. Having a job as a porter gives you an opportunity to communicate with people who need extra support with walking and needs to be moved around in a wheelchair or any form of transport. They may of  come back from surgery or is not well enough to walk. You may also be asked to transport equipment or medicine to different wings of the hospital. There are different forms of 'portering.' There are the followings available so there in no specific type of porter instead  wide range of possible choices. 

You also get to communicate people who has spent their lives immobile or from different perspectives. If you are not very social or are shy you can also do that. The jobs like dirty linen and waste porter.


It is a great way to spend your time to speak with patients and have laughing and long-going conversation with them. and help to benefit mental  wellbeing for you and the patient. 

Porters delivering parcels and medicine

Porters wheeling ill patients around the hospital

Porter wheeling disabled patient around the hospital 

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