
Whānau Motuihe have been working to incorporate Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness into our daily programme to support our Wellbeing and Resilience.

Some suggestions

  • Stick to a routine: set your alarm,

  • Get outdoors for 30 mins per day

  • Find your retreat space

  • Notice the good in the world, find the helpers.

  • Help others

  • Find small things you can control

  • Engage in repetitive activities - colouring, knitting, running

Do some Yoga with your family

Do some Go Noodle with your family

Daily PE with Joe


Use chalk to make a drawing of all the things they are grateful for.

Draw or make a list of people, things or places they are grateful for.

At bedtime ask them three awesome things you did today.


Ring or organise an online video call with family or friends

Make a card or picture that you can text or email to someone special.

Encourage a random act of kindness to a family member.


Take the time to breathe, ask your children to show you the different breathing techniques we have been learning.

Take the time to listen-sit quietly, close your eyes and ask your child what 5 different sounds they can hear.

Take the time to feel, label the emotion, sit with it and discuss how this feels. e.g. excited-fizzy or tingly inside.

Do some mindful colouring.

How to build with Lego

Watch these videos and follow some of the instructions.

Then create something else with lego. Take a photo or video and share on Seesaw

Have a go at doing some origami...

Take a photo of it and share it on Seesaw

Take a moment or two to relax with online jigsaw puzzles using taonga (taonga - treasures -Māori | noun) from our collections.

Choose a puzzle below, then select your difficulty (the number of pieces) once it has opened.

Keep coming back – you may find some new ones. Kia ora!

Well being Ideas to help each day.