Other helpful sites
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx - comedian, actor, writer
Other sites for fun and education!
Other sites for fun and education!
City of Tonawanda Public Library:
City of Tonawanda Public Library:
books, movies, magazines, CDs, DVDs, programs and much more
City of Tonawanda Public Library
(Photo courtesy of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library.)
Dance Mat Typing:
Dance Mat Typing:
Learn to touch type with animated British animals who like to rock and roll!
Jack Hartmann:
Jack Hartmann:
Wow! He has a song to teach you anything! Sort by playlists to get to the category you would like to see.
National Geographic Kids:
National Geographic Kids:
learn facts about many animals, watch videos and play some brain games