2nd Grade

    "I find television very educational.  The minute  somebody   turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book."

Groucho Marx - actor and comedian

colorful bubbles floating in the air


2nd Grade Students!



books, audiobooks and videos

cartoon giraffe wearing headphones


math and reading

colorful numbers in no order scattered on a surface


information about animals, biographies, science, and social studies

(See your teacher or Ms. Volpe for the password.) 

5 cartoon test tubes with different color liquid in each


read and enjoy

drawn black and white picture of a laptop computer


basic math facts made fun

cartoon girl holding a pencil in one hand and a calculator in the other with number behind her, the numbers have eyes and look funny

Zearn Math: 

math lessons for you

numbers 0-9 written in black with different background colors for each number

Let the fun begin!

photograph of real wolf standing on snow


fiction and nonfiction books 

(Please see your teacher or Ms. Volpe for the password.)


Get up and move!

4 stick people who look like they are dancing

PBS Kids:

Fun activities from PBS

Arthur, the aardvark, from the Marc Brown books standing in front of a crowd


letters, numbers and much more

cartoon yellow star

Typing Club: 

learn to touch type

two cartoon hands and part of the arms of a person typing on a keyboard on a laptop computer