Integrity of blog as a digital record of a learning journey

New students

Set up students who arrive to your school during the year with a new blog, if they did not have a blog at their previous school. Lead teachers will need to be aware of new student arrivals to digital immersion classes.

Students moving between Learn-Create-Share primary schools

Email the lead teacher in the school that the student is moving to, or email the lead teacher in the school that the student has shifted from, to notify them. Sometimes students move schools and lead teachers don't know about it, so it's important for all lead teachers to be aware of new students shifting into digital immersion classes in their school, from other schools in the cluster.

Previous school - lead teacher

  1. Invite the blog admin account supplied by the lead teacher at the new school, then change the new blog admin account from 'author' to 'admin'.
  2. Cut and paste the students information in the spreadsheet to the 'students who have left' page.
  3. Do not delete the blog.
  4. Remove the link to this student's blog from the class blog link list.
  5. This is all that the previous lead teacher needs to do.

New school - lead teacher

  1. Add the new student (with their old blog URL, don't change it) to the appropriate class on the spreadsheet.
  2. Change the student's blog title, description, and 'About Me' statement to match the new school, teacher and class.
  3. Invite the new student to their blog with their new email address, and ensures that the student accepts the invitation.
  4. Invite the new student's teacher to the students blog, and changes them from 'author' to 'admin'.
  5. Settings-Basic: Delete previous school blog admin, student email address, and teacher email addresses.
  6. Settings-Email: Old email addresses are deleted from post and comment notifications, and new email address are added. Retain the parent email address in the post notifications.
  7. Add the link to the student's blog onto their new classes 'class blog' student blog link list.
  8. Done!

Students transitioning to a secondary school

End of previous year - Primary Lead Teacher

  • Spreadsheet page of students attending secondary school is complied and shared to blogadmin1 account (primary school lead teachers, EPL) - full blog info details copied.

Here's some steps for what the Education Programme Leader/Facilitator needs to do to transfer the student's blog to their new secondary / high school school:

  • Write '[?HS] 2019' in the notes column of the blog spreadsheet for each student going to WHS, in each of your schools.
  • Cut then paste the whole row onto the 'Left Students' page of the primary school's blog spreadsheet.
  • Invite the appropriate blog admin account at ?hs to be author, accept the invite, then change to admin.
  • DO NOT delete the primary school blogadmin or student primary school email account yet.
  • Copy the whole row onto a new page on your Y7-8 spreadsheet called 'Y9 [or 7] 2019'.
  • When the Summer learning Journey is finished - delete the primary school blog admin, the primary school student email, and the primary school teacher email from the 'authors' list. All that should be left is the new ?HS blogadmin account as 'admin'.
  • In the email notifications of each blog, delete the old primary school blog admin and primary school teacher email from notify posts and notify comments. Leave the parent email address in the 'post notifications'.
  • Add the blogadmin1 account of the new school to the email notifications for posts and comments, then save. Accept these email invitations.
  • Invite the student and their homeroom teacher to be an author on their blog with their new ?HS email address, right before you are due to work with the class (then it's easier to find the email invites).
  • Guide the students and the teachers to accept their invites, then change the teachers to admin.
  • Explain to the teacher how to access the blogs of the students in their class as an admin.
  • Go back to the primary school left students page on the primary school blog admin spreadsheet, and write 'done' or something like that in the notes column, so you can easily keep track of what is and isn't done. I also leave in the '?HS 2019' bit too, so theres a note on where students go.

Before week 1 - Secondary Lead Teacher

  • Set up new year level classes with all details (including email) on a new spreadsheet, in a new blog admin account, using Kamar classes.
  • Facilitate a meeting with Fusion techs, Edcuation Programme Leader and year level dean to explain and plan digital transition for new year level students.

Meet with new year level all together, introduce them to the lead teacher, the Education programme Leader, and the Fusion technicians. Year level dean present too.

  • Explain that Learn-Create-Share, finding their work on learning sites, and blogging all continues, and where to find links on school website and blogs (focus on new to 1:1 students)
  • Explain how the Cybersmart programme happens at secondary school, and who they go to for help - focus on Harmful Digital Communications Act initially.
  • Kawa of Care explained, being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing reinforced, as is being on a managed network (how Hapara TD works).
  • Explain the PB4L expectations, and how these look for digital learning and blogging. Consequences and relearning opportunities explained (Kawa of Care links).

Each class needs two class periods with the Fusion Technicians, the lead teacher, and the EPL (same day / consecutive days for all classes, week one or two).

  • Fusion Techs deregister Chromebooks from previous school, and reregister CBs on the school network.
  • Lead teacher makes sure all students can connect to wifi and know their new email and password once devices are registered on network.
  • Lead teacher and EPL invite students to their blogs with new email address, and students accept this, and make sure their blog is bookmarked.
  • Lead teacher and EPL change all students to 'admin' on their blogs.
  • Students complete 'first post' adding labels for all subjects, then set the subject labels as tab links on their blogs. Discuss blog post labelling and titles.
  • Show students how to change photos, 'about me' statements, backgrounds, and advanced settings (not themes/templates), students spend time updating blogs - up to 20-30 mins.