Establishing and creating the blogs

Get the new learner details from Hapara Teacher Dashboard

This is how we recommend the blogs get created.

Using Hapara ensures that

  • The blog feeds into Hapara for the teacher to see posts and comments
  • The learner can be easily invited - (we get their email)

In Hapara go to the 'Class Info' tab, choose the CSV option, 'copy to clip board', then paste the clipboard into the first column of that class on your spreadsheet:

Split the data across the columns - the information will then move nicely across the columns and look like this:

How the formulas work to help us

If you are using the template you should now see how the blog address and title have self populated. You may need to make adjustments to the formulas in line with your schools own details.

Creating a consistent blog title

Eg Mark @ example school: =A2&" @ example school" takes whatever is in the cell A2 and adds it to @ example school. Change whatever is in the " " marks to reflect a consistent title phrase for your school.

Creating the blog address

Eg =lower(CONCATENATE(“schoolblogprefix”,A2,left(B2,1),””)). Change whatever is in the "schoolblogprefix" part of the formula to reflect a consistent blog prefix for your school. Note that you don't need to include http:// with the prefix to get a working blog address url.

Establish a new blog using a blog admin account

Make sure the spreadsheet is shared with the blog admin account being used to create the blogs. In this blog admin account, locate the Blogger app, and log into Blogger for this account. If this is your first time logging into Blogger with this account, set the profile.

The process of creating new blogs:

View the short video below - in the blog admin account, the Blogger window and the spreadsheet window are open side by side, so that it's easier to copy and paste blog title and blog address. Make sure you select the 'Simple' template/theme before clicking the orange 'create blog' button:

Establish a Blog.webm