Club PR Support


Digital Flyers for club promotion (available in Japanese)

Note:  Feel free to use this materials for Toastmasters Club PR purposes. However, please refrain from making unauthorized modifications.   PowerPoint format can be downloaded from HERE.  

A variety of promotional materials are available in English.  Please visit "Resource Library" on the Toastmasters International homepage <>.

話し方 A. PNG/PDF

話し方 B. PNG/PDF 

話し方 C. PNG/PDF 

話し方 D. PNG/PDF 

話し方 E. PNG/PDF

話し方 F. PNG/PDF

ビジネス A. PNG/PDF 

ビジネス B. PNG/PDF 

ビジネス C. PNG/PDF

英語スピーチ A. PNG/PDF

英語スピーチ B. PNG/PDF 

23年春の新作 A. PNG 

23年春の新作 B. PNG  

23年春の新作 C. PNG  

How to verify and modify your club's registered information

Verify once again that the club's information is registered correctly for prospective guests.

Clubs in District 76 have their club information registered in two databases, [A] Toastmasters International and [B] District 76. Guests may decide where to visit based on this information, and the area structure within the District is determined based on the club information in [A], so it is important to register accurate information. In particular, clubs that have changed their meeting place, time, online information, etc. before or after COVID should pay attention to this information.

[A] How to verify your registered information with Toastmasters International

A-1.  Is the "Find a Club" function on the home page showing correct meeting place, day and time for your club?  (Anybody can check this.)

If your club cannot be found or if the information is not correct, follow the steps in A-2. below to correct it.

A-2.  Is the "Club Central" showing the correct information?  (accessible to Club Officers only)

[B] How to verify your registered information with District 76

B-1.  Is the "Find a Club" function on the District 76 homepage showing the correct meeting place, day and time for your club?  (Anybody can check this.)