Chemistry Exam Requirements
To fulfill your Chemistry exam requirements, you will need passing scores the Praxis Chemistry: Content Knowledge AND the Praxis Core Academics Skills for Educators OR accepted alternative exam prior to pre-service training.
Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5246)
Chemistry: Content Knowledge Study Resources
ETS Interactive Practice Test: When you register for a test, you will also receive a free practice test for the test you are taking.
240 Tutoring Study Resources provide diagnostic tests that identifies both your strong and weak spots. As well as flashcards, practice questions, and instructional videos.
Praxis Core Academics Skills for Educators: 5752
There are three components to this exam; all three will need to have passing scores to meet the requirement.
Core Academics Skills for Educators: Reading: 5713
Core Academics Skills for Educators: Writing: 5723
Core Academics Skills for Educators: Mathematics: 5733
You can meet the Praxis Core requirement by taking the SAT, ACT OR a conferred Masters Degree
You may be eligible for an exemption from the Praxis Core with previous exam scores. See the Praxis Exemptions tab for additional details
Praxis Core Study Resources
FREE Praxis Core Study Resources linked below:
Paid Praxis Core Study Resources linked below: