Bobcat FAQ

What do I do if see a bobcat in my neighborhood?

First, just relax. It is probably just passing through and wants to be left alone. Take a photo and add it to the citizen science form.

Will a bobcat harm me or my pets? 

Mostly likely no.  They want nothing to do with you and most of your pets. They are ambush predators that feed mostly on small prey like rabbits and rodents. They will also hunt chickens and wild birds. Since they are wild animals it is best to leave them alone and most likely they will do the same to you.

The bobcat looks hungry and thirsty, should I give it food and water? 

No. Let wildlife stay wild. Feeding bobcats can make them reliant on human resources which will impact their behavior and potentially do more harm than good. 

How do I know if it is bobcat and not a lynx or mountain lion?

Bobcats are much smaller than mountain lions and are only about 15-35 lbs. Lynx have a black tipped tail and have longer back legs than front legs, while bobcats also have a short "bobbed" tail, it has both black and white on the tip and their back legs are about the same length as their front legs. Also, lynx are not found in Nevada. 

How long do bobcats live? 

They live about 10-12 years.

How often to bobcats have kittens and how many do they have?

Females can have one litter of up to 6 kittens per year.  Kittens leave their mom at about 1 year of age.