Dr.  Ying-Tien Wu 


Dr. Ying-Tien Wu is a full professor at the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology, National Central University, Taiwan. His research focuses on learning sciences and educational technology, with specific interests in Knowledge Building, Science and STEM Education, AI in Education, Learning Technology Design, and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).


Dr. Wu’s research has been published in important international science education and educational technology journals. Additionally, he contributes as a guest editor of special issues, associate editor, editorial board member, and reviewer for more than twenty leading academic journals in science education and educational technology fields.


Regarding practical contributions, Dr. Wu continues to collaborate with the elementary and secondary school science teachers' community to design and implement technology integration into inquiry-based science teaching. Recently, he has focused on the integration of GenAI into science teaching and developing science teachers’ AI-related TPACK. He currently serves as the General Director of the Department of Information and Technology Education at Taiwan's Ministry of Education.

 Enhancing Elementary Science Teachers' AI-TPACK Competencies for Inquiry-based Teaching

Recent studies demonstrate that generative AI can effectively support inquiry-based learning. Successfully integrating AI into science instruction demands specialized competencies in both pedagogy and technology, often referred to as AI-TPACK, and is challenging for elementary science teachers. Also, limited research exists on how to develop science teachers’ AI-TPACK competencies. As one of the initial attempts, the presentation will introduce the design and implementation of a workshop aimed at enhancing teachers’ AI-TPACK competencies. The workshop is structured in four phases: Building foundational AI knowledge and AI tool skills, Experiencing GenAI-supported inquiry-based learning, Reflecting collaboratively on the learning experience, and Applying the learning experience to collaborative lesson design.


This presentation will also report on the effects of the four-phase workshop on the participant elementary science teachers’ AI-TPACK competencies. These competencies include AI Interaction Knowledge and Skills, Understanding of AI Applications in Teaching, Selection and Integration of AI Tools, and Fairness and Responsibility in AI Use, as assessed using a five-point Likert scale. Moreover, the change in the participant teachers’ perspectives on the uses they make of AI tools in science teaching. The presentation will also analyze changes in the participant teachers' perspectives on their use of AI tools in science teaching, as well as shifts in their perceptions of the teacher's role in AI-supported inquiry-based learning.