Trask River Productions - Mr. Aaron Yarnell

The creative juices have been flowing in Trask River Productions. There have been a wide range of projects from desks and cutting boards to resin tables and Adirondack chairs. One of my personal favorites has been a high chair one of our youth is building for his niece/nephew that is soon to be born. He should be leaving our facility soon, and he is very excited to be an involved uncle. This particular project hasn’t been easy for him. There have been many design revisions along the way, but it has been great to see his determination to see the project through. I can think of few things that better represent what we are doing here at Trask.

Trask River Productions

The purpose of Trask River Productions is to provide a setting in which youth are able to safely use construction equipment, work as a team, and explore creative problem solving skills through hands-on applications. Students gain spatial-reasoning skills, learn to read and create project plans, learn to identify different building materials and their functions. Youth have the opportunity to apply to be a part of the Productions team. These students take on larger construction projects where they are compensated for their time. Through this, they learn entrepreneurial skills like creativity, networking, assessing profitability, and salesmanship. Completed projects include picnic tables, cutting boards, Adirondack chairs, a canoe, a teardrop trailer, and a tiny house.