Trask River Agriculture Program (T.R.A.P.)

Trask River Agriculture Program (T.R.A.P.) is an innovative, outdoor-learning classes offered at Trask River High School. Students experience a combination of general animal sciences and horticulture including raising egg-laying poultry, cultivating annual and perennial garden beds and planning, preparing and providing for Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A.) clients. The emphasis of this learning environment is to introduce the youth to healthy living through opportunities of growing (or raising), harvesting and using their own eggs, fruits, vegetables and herbs. We focus on building healthy young men, practicing mental, physical and emotional health in the process. The majority of our cooking is done over an outdoor fire which provides for an extremely pleasant environment for these incarcerated youth. The flexibility of this program allows for interactive cooperative learning times with the high school’s core classrooms tying together our educational opportunities at Trask.

Johnny Appleseed Day

September 28, 2019

20 students, a dozen staff, and three Master Gardeners set out to turn 230 gallons of eight different varieties of freshly-picked apples into 50 gallons of apple cider.

A 100 year old oak cider press worked like a charm under the power generated by our students' arms.

Pulp was collected to be pressed into cider.

Raw cider was collected and strained.

Delicious Apple Cider!