LENT 2024


Our Lenten Charity this year is the Catholic Children's Society.

We will be sending home money boxes for you to give any loose change.

We also have a Just Giving Page:


All classes will be raising money for the charity with lots of different activities during lent - we wonder which class will raise the most?

Lent in a bag

This year each child will be given the opportunity to be sent home with 'Lent in a bag'

This is an opportunity to get together as a family in prayer, praise and love.

In the bag there are many different ideas of how to pray together, and a book to add your own prayer as a family to.

Lent Activities - school competition

📷 'Lent through a Lense' 📷

To take part you 'll need a camera (phone cameras are fine).

Next, be on the look out for something that best represents Lent. It will help to make a list of all the things that come to mind when you think of Lent. 

Remember that Lent is the old word for Spring. So you could also think of Spring images e.g. snowdrops, buds on trees, chicks, lambs. You may need to venture outside to find your Lent images, if so you must ask a grown-up to be with you. 

You need to tell us why the image reminds you of lent. Think about the gospel.... Do the thorns on the bramble bush remind you of the crown of thorns of jesus? Does the dew on the morning grass remind you of the Eucharistic words 'like the dew fall'?

Once you've taken your photo, present it to your class - we will be displaying them around the school.