Year 3

autumn 1


Pupils will be encouraged to persevere when developing competencies in key skills and principles such as defending, attacking, throwing, catching and dribbling. Pupils will learn to use attacking skills to maintain possession of the ball. They will start by playing uneven and then move onto even sided games. Pupils will understand the importance of playing fairly and to the rules. They will be encouraged to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition as well as learn how to evaluate their own and others’ performances.


Pupils will develop the fundamental skills of balancing, running, jumping, hopping and skipping. Pupils will develop their ability to change direction with balance and control. They will be given the opportunity to explore how the body moves at different speeds as well as how to accelerate and decelerate. Pupils will be asked to observe and recognise improvements for their own and others’ performances and identify areas of strength and areas for development. Pupils will be given the opportunity to work on their own and with others, taking turns and sharing ideas.

spring 1


Pupils will learn to contribute to the game by helping to keep possession of the ball, use simple attacking tactics using sending, receiving and dribbling a ball. They will start by playing uneven and then move onto even sided games. They will begin to think about defending and winning the ball. Pupils will be encouraged to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils will understand the importance of playing fairly and keeping to the rules. They will be encouraged to be a supportive teammate and identify why this behaviour is important.

Tag Rugby

In this unit pupils will learn to keep possession of the ball using attacking skills. They will play uneven and then even sided games, developing strategies and social skills to self-manage games. Pupils will understand the importance of playing fairly and keeping to the rules. Pupils will think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. They will learn how to evaluate their own and others’ performances and suggest improvements.

summer 1


Pupils will develop the skills and apply them to striking, chipping, putting, and playing a short and long game. They will develop their coordination, accuracy, and control of movements. These lesson plans will enable teachers to provide pupils with activities that help them understand the principles of the golf game and develop fluid movements that can be used in game situations. Pupils will be given the opportunity to work with a range of different equipment. Pupils will be asked to observe and recognise improvements for their own and others’ skills and identify areas of strengths. Pupils will be given the opportunity to work on their own and others, taking turns and sharing ideas.


Pupils will improve on key skills used in dodgeball such as throwing, dodging and catching. The learn how to apply simple tactics to the game to outwit their opponent. In dodgeball, pupils achieve this by hitting opponents with a ball whilst avoiding being hit. Pupils are given opportunities to play games independently and are taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules. Pupils are given opportunities to evaluate and improve on their own and others performances

autumn 2


Pupils create dances in relation to an idea including historical and scientific stimuli. Pupils work individually, with a partner and in small groups, sharing their ideas. Pupils develop their use of counting and rhythm. Pupils learn to use canon, unison, formation and levels in their dances. They will be given the opportunity to perform to others and provide feedback using key terminology.

Ball Skills

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their accuracy and consistency when tracking a ball. They will explore a variety of throwing techniques and will learn to select the appropriate throw for the situation. They will develop catching with one and two hands as well as dribbling with feet and hands. These skills will then be applied to small group games. Pupils will have the opportunity to take on different roles and work both individually and with others

spring 1


Pupils develop problem solving skills through a range of challenges. Pupils work as a pair and small group to plan, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. They learn to be inclusive of others and work collaboratively to overcome challenges. Pupils learn to orientate a map, identify key symbols and follow routes.


In this unit pupils develop the key skills required for tennis such as the ready position, racket control and hitting a ball. They learn how to score points and how to use skills, simple strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils are given opportunities to play games independently and are taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules.

summer 2


In this unit, pupils will develop basic running, jumping and throwing techniques. They are set challenges for distance and time that involve using different styles and combinations of running, jumping and throwing. As in all athletic activities, pupils think about how to achieve their greatest possible speed, distance or accuracy and learn how to persevere to achieve their personal best. Pupils are also given opportunities to measure, time and record scores.


Pupils learn how to score points by striking a ball into space and running around cones or bases. When fielding, they learn how to play in different fielding roles. They focus on developing their throwing, catching and batting skills. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils are given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against.