Autumn 1

Ball Skills

In this unit children will develop their ball skills through the topic of 'minibeasts'. Children will develop fundamental ball skills such as rolling and receiving a ball, throwing to a target, bouncing and catching, dribbling with feet and kicking a ball. Children will be able to develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of game play using a variety of equipment. Children will be given opportunities to work independently and with a partner.

spring 1


In this unit, children will develop their understanding of playing games through the topic of 'transport'. Children will practice and further develop fundamental movement skills through games. They will also learn how to score and play by the rules, how to work with a partner and begin to understand what a team is, as well as learning how to behave when winning and losing.

Summer 1


In this unit, children will develop their expressive movement through the topic of 'everyday life'. Children explore space and how to use space safely. They explore travelling movements, shapes and balances. Children choose their own actions in response to a stimulus. They are given the opportunity to copy, repeat and remember actions. They are introduced to counting to help them keep in time with the music. They perform to others and begin to provide simple feedback.

Autumn 2


In this unit children will develop their fundamental movement skills through the topic of 'all about me'. Fundamental skills will include balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and travelling. Children will develop gross motor skills through a range of activities. They will learn how to stay safe using space, working independently and with a partner.

spring 2


In this unit, children will develop their basic gymnastic skills through the topic of 'animals and their habitats'. Children explore basic movements, creating shapes, balances, and jumps and begin to develop rocking and rolling. They show an awareness of space and how to use it safely and perform basic skills on both floor and apparatus.They copy, create, remember and repeat short sequences. They begin to understand using levels and directions when traveling and balancing.

summer 2


In this unit, pupils will develop skills required in athletic activities such as running at different speeds, changing direction, jumping and throwing. In all athletic based activities, pupils will engage in performing skills and measuring performance, competing to improve on their own score and against others. They are given opportunities to work collaboratively as well as independently.