Year 1

In Year 1, the children are building on what they learned in the Foundation Stage.  They are given so many opportunities to  use manipulatives in their day to day maths lessons - this helps the children to understand the roots of what they are learning.  Children are encouraged to work together and the adult support is targeted to ensure that all children succeed. Children are starting to record their work formally in Year 1 and this allows them to show off what they have learned. Children are encouraged to discuss their new learning and it is through this formative assessment that interventions can be planned - we encourage these to take place in the maths lessons as we feel that this is where is will have the most impact. 

Each lesson starts with 'Get Ready' and this will recap an element of prior learning...this might be from the day before or in a previous block of work but it will be related to the new learning in that lesson. The lesson moves onto 'Let's Learn' where the new learning takes place. There are plenty of opportunities throughout this teacher led part of the lesson for the children to talk, follow the modelling and then have a go themselves before moving onto the independent work. This allows for the teacher to identify children they will need to work with during the lesson.