Extra Practise At Home

There are a number of ways that children can carry out extra practise in maths at home. The following online resources are ones that, as a school, we would recommend:

Times Tables Rock Stars: 

This is a fun and interactive way to practise times tables. This can be accessed through your internet browser - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth or by downloading their App. Children have their own username and passwords which they should use to access the site. Please contact the class teacher if this has been mislaid.


Primarily aimed at children in Key Stage1 but is available for all children to use. This allows children to practise number bonds in a fun and interactive way. This can be accessed through your internet browser - https://play.numbots.com/#/account or an App can be downloaded. The username and password are the same for Times Table Rock Stars. 

1 Minute Maths:

This is a great way for children, primarily aimed at Key Stage 1, to practise areas of maths in 1 minute slots. Categories are: