We know that you must have so many questions at this time and we will do our best to answer them. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any others please do not hesitate to contact the office.

What date is my child due to start school?

We start the children on a staggered start. This allows the children time to get to know their teachers and their environment before joining us full time. Home visits will be taking place on the week starting the 5th of September. Your child will start half days on the week of the 12th of September (either a morning or an afternoon). Full time starts on Friday the 16th of September and this will be ongoing. This is individualised for each child and will be given out at the new parent meeting on the 7th of June.

Will there be a home visit before school starts so my child’s teachers can meet me and my child?

The main purpose of the visit is to introduce ourselves to your child before they start with us. We are so looking forward to home visits and are really hoping that they can be completed in your homes, however, due to Covid this may change and we will closely follow the government guidelines and keep you updated with any changes.

My child is summer born/anxious/has additional needs and I’m worried they have missed a lot of Nursery-will starting Reception be too much for them?

After our meeting and getting to know your child a bit better we will endeavour to make their class as fun as possible and ensure they feel safe and secure. We work closely with you to ensure the home/school bond helps and nurtures your child.

Will there be ‘staggered start’ or a part time start when schools reopen for Reception children?

We will have staggered starts with parent/ teacher involvement. We will try our best to ease the children into their new class. Children normally start school on a part time basis for the first of school. During your meeting, these dates will be discussed with you.

What if I can’t get all of their uniform organised in time?

Our School uniform is available to purchase online through our providers web store http://gooddies.co.uk. Search for the Mill Primary Academy, this will give you an idea what is available you can also follow the link to the school website for further information .https://www.themill-tkat.org/parents/school-uniform/

It is not mandatory to buy uniform with the school logo, all general supermarkets sell all items needed.

I think my child is entitled to additional Pupil Premium funding as we receive benefits and/or I have a low income-how can I apply?

If you think you are eligible for Pupil Premium funding please follow the link below and complete the online application. https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/schools-and-colleges/free-school-meals/free-school-meals-online-application-form

How do I contact you if I’ve got any questions?

Please email our school office: office@themill-tkat.org who will ensure your questions are answered by the relevant member of staff.