Spanish - Year 4

There remains an emphasis on oral participation, but there is more of a balance between the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. There is greater focus on written accuracy in Year 3; the year starts with a lesson on Spanish phonics to improve pronunciation. Pupils will later have the opportunity to write at paragraph level. Songs, actions and repetition are still key elements of the lessons, to maximise pupil participation. Grammar is taught more explicitly, so pupils start to gain an understanding of how the language works. Pupils learn different verbs, and are encouraged to express themselves in sentences. The continued multi-sensory approach fosters pupil enjoyment of learning Spanish. Time is taken to consolidate learning, in order to increase pupil confidence and achieve learning success. Evidence of learning is assessed in the four skills in informal End of Unit Assessments.

Phonics is taught more explicitly in Year 3 and learning the Spanish alphabet helps pupils redress the balance of the 4 skills, so they can improve their written accuray through medium of the target language.  The year starts with learning (mostly farm) animals, with a focus on the pronunciation of Spanish vowels. Pupils then learn a little about Spain and the Hispanic world, to understand the relevance of learning Spanish and to be introduced to some Spanish and Hispanic culture. Pupils learn about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain and write a letter to Father Christmas (or the 3 Kings, if they prefer!), demonstrating their ability to write at greater length. They then learn to identify musical instruments and to ask someone if they play an instrument, as well as respond to the question. Learning about the seasons gives them an opportunity to write at greater length. There is further opportunity for transactional language when pupils learn to say and ask what they can do. The year culminates in pupils learning to buy an ice-cream in Spanish.

Otoño - Autumn

Primavera - Spring

Verano - Summer