Android BMW Motorrad Dashboard
Android BMW Motorrad Dashboard
Motorrad Cluster is a combination of custom hardware and software that provides most of the same information that your stock instrument cluster has plus more.
Current features include:
- R1200GS(K25) support, will most likely work with other models/years
- Speed
- Odometer
- Fuel Level (Customizable low fuel alerting, ie. percent threshold, audible alerts, nearby fuel stations and route to nearest fuel station)
- Gear
- ESA menu
- ABS status
- Kill Switch status
- High Beam status
- Heated Grip status
- Signal Indicators
- Air and Engine Temperature
- Lamp Fault indicator
- Compass Bearing
- Unit selection (Metric/Imperial)
- Night mode color scheme (forced or using the phones light sensor)
- iTPMSystem Support for tire pressure (Customizable alert thresholds with audible alerts)
- Info button on bike switches view (TPMS, RPM, Temperatures and Compass Bearing)
- Data Logging
Required Hardware: CANBusGateway
Source Code:
Motorrad CANBus Message Reversing: Document