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Mentor Program Days & Program Manager

2023-2024 BRYC Mentor Schedules (External)

BRYC's Culture Code

Foundational document for interacting with Fellows, rooted in BRYC's Core Values.

Consistency is the foundation of trust in any relationship. BRYC Mentors cannot hold Fellows to high expectations without first establishing the credibility that we are in the trenches with them. We show Fellows they can trust us by being present when we promise to. In the rare times we can't make it to program or meet a commitment, we communicate with our Fellows proactively and considerately. Mentoring is not a casual commitment. It is a serious commitment with major potential for positive impact. That means our absence is not neutral. Not showing up can be actively damaging to our relationship and to our Fellow.

We are BRYC Mentors for a reason: because we are effective at supporting youth. But we will always have a lot to learn about mentorship, and the BRYC Community is filled with Mentors who can teach us. BRYC Mentors ask for help proactively, never allowing pride or fear of imperfection stop us from getting the support we need to be better for our Fellows. We know we are never alone at BRYC and that asking for help signals strength, not weakness.

BRYC Mentors enter into relationships with Fellows without preconceived notions. We take time to learn about and meet Fellows where they are, academically and socioemotionally. We understand that success looks different for every Fellow. Beyond BRYC's minimum expectations, we help Fellows set appropriately challenging goals, and we hold Fellows accountable to those goals because we believe in their ability to reach them. Finally, we know our relationship with each Fellow is unique, and we do not compare this relationship to others.

BRYC Mentors understand that Fellows, as teens, are in a period of rapid physical, emotional, intellectual, and relational development. They are experiencing a sort of developmental chaos that Mentors must remain sensitive to and gracious about. On top of this, many BRYC Fellows face tough challenges in their personal lives. BRYC Mentors never seek to "fix" anything about our Fellows or their life circumstances. Instead, we seek to understand their experiences; embrace their perspectives as their truth; and suspend bias and judgment. We recognise that this commitment to others’ humanity takes uncommon discipline, and we embrace the challenge.

BRYC Mentors understand that BRYC exists because lower-income students systemically lack access to the resources they need to pursue higher education and be economically mobile. In this light, mentorship is not a gift Fellows must be grateful for; rather, it's the supporT Fellows are due in the midst of ongoing efforts to ensure equity. The power of mentorship comes with the responsibility to improve our understanding of forces that adversely impact Fellows' lives and constantly reflect on our personal contributions to equity.

BRYC Mentors consider how they can use their privilege – along lines of race, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and more – to increase Fellows' access to valuable resources, relationships, experiences, and platforms that will help them thrive. Mentors also have the courage to advocate for Fellows in spaces where we have power, because we know that systems that perpetuate inequality will not change unless we work relentlessly to change them.

BRYC Mentors aspire to the high goal of unconditional positive regard: acceptance and support of their Fellow regardless of what their Fellows says or does. We do not allow past behavior to influence present actions. If a Fellow is not prioritizing their Mentor relationship, we do not take it personally but instead treat it as an opportunity to gain insight and new tools for engagement. We strive to continually create the sort of restorative, judgment-free environment that is most conducive to trust and personal growth.

BRYC Mentors are an integral part of Fellows' support networks that include teachers, BRYC team members, and, above all, Guardians and relatives. Mentors are partners in our Fellows' and Guardians' journey toward college. We are not saviors or heroes, but we can be heroic by fostering a partnership that uplifts the strengths, talents, and expertise of each partner; creates opportunities to teach and  learn from each other; and values the many different contributions of those who comprise our Fellows' village.

Fellows are most successful with Mentors who are authentic and vulnerable. Sharing our triumphs, failures, and what we learned along the way shows Fellows who we are and, more importantly, how we are. When we are open and honest with Fellows, we demonstrate that it’s okay not to be perfect, and that it’s much more important to have the courage to own and grow from our mistakes. BRYC Mentors take the lead on vulnerability, creating a safe space for Fellows to then invest deeply in the Fellow Mentor relationship on their terms.