
Why is testing necessary?

Please CLICK HERE to read the importance of testing and why our school must participate.

The Blue Ridge Academy’s Approach to Testing and Assessments:

Assessments are not designed to find flaws, rather they are used to identify student strengths and potential areas of challenge. In turn we ask our students to participate in two types of assessments, our in-house assessment, which is the Star 360 for all students TK-12th, and State Testing through the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).

Star 360

Star 360 is an online assessment for math and language arts that provides insights and support for each student's grade level that can be used for guiding instruction. Each part of the STAR 360 assessment takes only approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Students will take it at the beginning of the year within two weeks of enrollment and again in April or May at their home on their own.

Statewide Testing

Blue Ridge Academy is a public charter school, therefore our students participate in the following state standardized tests:

  • Grades 3- 8: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)

  • Grade 11: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)

  • Grades 5, 8, and one time in high school (grades 10-12): California Standards Test for Science (CAST)

  • Grades 5, 7, and 9: Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

  • ELPAC testing (English Learners only)

Star 360

Blue Ridge - Star 360 Link

Each year we have our students in grades TK through 11th grade participate in Star 360 testing. You will receive an email from your HST with login information!

The information below shows the tests that students will take:

  • STAR Math - All students in grades 1 through 11.

  • STAR Reading – All students in grades 1 through 11.

  • STAR Early Literacy (combines math and reading for TK and Kindergarten students). If a TK student turns 5 after December 2nd, the fall Star 360 assessment will be optional, however, they will need to take the Star 360 in the spring.

  • Star Math and Reading Assessment Tips for Families.

California State Testing


Blue Ridge Academy is a public charter school, therefore the state of California requires us to participate in all state-mandated tests.

  • Grades 3-8: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Math and Language Arts

  • Grade 11: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Math and Language Arts

  • Grades 5,8 and once during high school (grades 10-12): California Science Test (CAST)

Blue Ridge Academy appreciates your participation in the health of our charter school. Below are several different resources available to you!


The State of California requires all public schools to administer the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) to students enrolled in 5th, 7th, and 9th grades. If you would like to do further research about the California State Physical Fitness Test, please view the California Department of Education’s PFT FAQ page here, FITNESSGRAM Healthy Fitness Zone Performance Standard Charts, and the PFT CalEdFacts.

The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) has 2 main activity components. Below are descriptions of the activities that students are asked to participate in on the day of their PFT. Please note that some of the activities require students to remove their shoes. Please click on the blue text links to watch videos showing the activities.

1. Aerobic Capacity (video): Students will be timed on their completion of a mile. Students may choose for themselves if they prefer to run, jog, or walk the mile. Time will be recorded on the student data sheet. To read more about the PFT Aerobic Capacity portion please see the CDE’s website info page here.

2. Muscle Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility:

  • Curl-Up (video): Students will be asked to lie on their backs with their knees bent and to place their arms at their sides facing palm down. A teacher will call the number of curl ups out while making sure each student’s arms and hands are sliding at their sides halfway to their knees. When students are no longer able to curl up, the teacher will record the student’s completed number of curl-ups. The teacher will continue counting at the rate of one number every 3 seconds until all the students being tested have finished or the maximum of 75 has been reached.

  • Trunk Lift (video): Students will be asked to lie on their stomachs with their arms placed palms up at their sides. The students will then be asked to lift their head/chest off the floor as high as they can, up to twelve inches, and to hold it in that position as a teacher measures from the ground to the student’s chin.

  • Push-Up (video): Students will be asked to lie face down, back straight, with hands placed under their shoulders, legs straight and toes tucked under. Back should be kept straight and elbows should form a 90-degree angle as the student completes a series of push-ups. Push-ups will be called by the teacher at a rate of 1 every 3 seconds for as many as the student can complete up to a maximum of 75.

  • Flexibility:

  • Sit and Reach (video): Students will be asked to remove their shoes. Students then will be asked to sit facing the sit and reach box with both feet against the box. After the student has adjusted their body square against the box they will bend their right knee and place their right foot flat on the ground next to their left knee. The student will then put one hand over the other and reach forward four times; they should hold at the fourth reach so the teacher can take the measurement. Then they will be asked to repeat the process for the opposite side.


  • Shoulder Stretch (video): Students will be asked to touch the fingertips together behind the back with one hand reaching over the shoulder and the other under the elbow. Both shoulders are tested and each is recorded separately.