Hello Grizzly Family!!!
I hope everyone had a great Fall Break. 37 days until Thanksgiving Break! Final grades are being entered and report cards will be sent home on October 25. Thank you, parents, for dropping off your student(s) before 7:35 am each morning, doors open at 7:10. We are still averaging 95% attendance for the year, great job! If your son/daughter misses school or is tardy please provide one of your five parent notes or doctor's excuse to homeroom teachers or email scms.attendance@spencer.kyschools.us.
Great news!!!! Test scores are out and SCMS remains one of the top middle school's in the state coming in at 86th out of 318 and #1 in the OVEC region in areas. More information in next week's edition as we completed data analysis today with teachers at professional development! We are extremely excited about this year's students and staff as we strive to be Top 25 once again in KY.
We ended first quarter with the best Grizzly Growl yet. Our 8 Houses met briefly on Friday and then entered the gym doing their chants which led into a dance-off amongst other competitions before having a musical chairs championship and declaring House Isibindi, led by House Leader Matt Edmondson the winner. That house will have an ice cream social during our next house meetings. Learn more about each house here: https://youtu.be/8Dqqrhmas_Q?feature=shared
Spencer County Middle School's Sollevare House invites you to help us "uplift" Veterans by sponsoring a flag through Disabled Veterans of America (DAV)'s Field of Flags. For every $250 our county raises we will receive flags to plant at our school in honor of our local veterans. Please visit our donation page @ https://support.dav.org/participant/SCPS to learn more information and to donate. Thank you! Please contact Ashley.McGaughey2@spencer.kyschools.us with any questions.
Everyone must pay the $15 tech fee or there will be a hold placed on the end-of-the-year release of records. Please send a check for $15 made payable to Spencer County Middle School and in the memo simply put "Tech Fee".
If you have not, please complete a free/reduced application for your son/daughter here: www.myschoolbucks.com, add money to a student lunch account at: www.myschoolbucks.com
I am pleased to announce that Spencer County Middle School will participate in the Kentucky Incentives for Prevention (KIP) Youth Survey this fall. The survey is funded by Kentucky’s Department for Behavioral Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The survey is designed to assess alcohol and drug use, as well as other behavioral health factors, among students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. The KIP Survey informs school leaders about student issues, highlights concerns, and initiates action. Click here to complete this brief survey: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1olobI0wXRgtGg2jU0p1tHXMsN1keth-4_-J6jN7Ubh0/edit?usp=sharing
Good luck girl's basketball on Tuesday vs St. Gregory and Thursday vs OKH, both games at home beginning at 5:30. Congratulations to the Grizzly Football team as they concluded their season last week finishing runner-up in the conference.
Winterfest '24 will have some new surprises and will be on December 6, mark your calendars now!!!
House Leaders: Jay Armstrong (Onraka), Ashley McGaughey (Sollevare), Geogianne Bradbury (Amistad), Brooke Spatol (Reveur), Kim Burch (Altruismo), Matt Edmondson (Isibindi), Michelle Gross (Nukumori), and Kabrel Woods (Protos). All students will receive a house t-shirt and lanyard.
Grizzly News: Click here to access our 2024-2025 Grizzly News Playlist, updated weekly.
The next monthly SBDM meeting will be on Oct. 22. If you would like to attend virtually please email matt.mercer@spencer.kyschools.us for a link.
Nurse Joy reminder: All KMSAA Sports Physical are required to participate on extra-curricular athletics teams.
Reminder to check out our site! We encourage parents to periodically check www.scmsgrizzlies.com. If your child is in 6th grade then simply select the 6th Grade main page box. There you will see upcoming track-specific info for both Traditional and Summit Learning. Big tests, field trips, application deadlines, etc. Logo icons in the middle of the page provide a lot of theme-specific information that's updated weekly. At the top of the page you can access your child's teacher's websites where you'll find helpful information about their class.
*Grizzly Points: The first Grizzly Store will be for 6th Graders on Nov. 1. The next Grizzly Raffle will be Nov. 22. Two winners will be selected. Enter as many times as you like at 50 pts. each. To get "Grizzly Points" in each class students must be: Present, Prepared, and Positively Participating (3 P's). Grizzly points accumulate and can be used in the Grizzly Store for snacks and other items. Students can also enter our monthly raffles where students can win prizes of their choosing such as air pods, skateboards, hoverboards, and more. What is PBIS Rewards? Click here!
*GBB: M-Th, 2:30-5:30pm. To sign your student up today, contact karlie.acker@spencer.kyschools.us
Parents can see NTI information at www.SCMSGrizzlies.com which will be updated weekly. Simply, click on the appropriate grade level icon at the top of this page.
"If you're going to be a bear, be a GRIZZLY!"
MAP (Jan. 16-18)
NAEP (Feb. 8)
Grizzly Store Opens
6th Grade -12th
7th Grade - 19th
8th Grade - 26th
Spring Break (March 29 - April 8)
8th Grade Graduation - May 20
Bell of Louisville - May 17