The Academy Way Experience

Happy February!

It's a great month to spread some kindness! Our students have been working hard on geography, reading, structured literacy, writing, and math! Our schools also celebrated Valentine's Day with a party planned by two of our own students! Read on and enjoy!

Editors:  Sophie, Taeson, Kayla (Alex), Isla, Liberty, Cameron, Barbara, Phen, Mackenzie, Giana, Jadon, Zac, and Mrs. Witters

Happy Valentine's Day from our schools!

Happy Valentine's Day from The Academy FL!

Happy Valentine's Day from The Academy NJ!

Our own Zac McIntyre with The Academy Virtual created our invitation!

Character Traits

By:  Mackenzie, Cameron, and Zac, The Academy Virtual

Mackenzie and Cam working on character traits after reading a book 7 piece about a man who works at a bike shop. (SL class)

By Zac, The Academy Virtual

Horseback Riding

By Olivia, The Academy NJ

Last weekend I went horseback riding. My trainer had a whip behind the horse  and the horse got spooked and it started to gallup. I didn't have any stirrups then I fell off the horse. The horse got out of control so I threw myself off and the horse keeps running and running. It got caught in the fence. I had a nit on his foot and the saddle was on the stomach. It kept on running then my teacher had caught it. They did, so that was my real fall which is called evacuate. I had a competition and I was shaking because I was nervous to compete and I did it. I did not know what place I came in but I got $5 because I competed in the show. I was barrel racing and I didn't fall off and I was proud of myself. 

By: Madison , The Academy Georgia

In August I was done riding my horse when I was putting her back  into her stall. I was taking off her bridle when  she stepped on my foot. I could not yell because that would scare her. So I had to yell inside of my mouth because it hurt so bad. So when I got myself together I untacked her and left her stall. So I went to the teaching area and sat down and told my trainer what happened. So she got me an ice pack and wrapped my foot up. Then I went to the doctors and they told me that nothing bad happened. I just had a bruise in  the shape of her hoof. So the doctor told me I should not ride for like a day or two but I could go to the barn and work around the barn a little but my foot was still swollen. Then a couple days later I was back on my horse having so much fun.


By Eric and Brody, The Academy NJ

The Chiefs won 25-22 against the San Francisco 49ers. Mecole Hardman Jr scored the game-winning touchdown with 9 seconds left on the clock in overtime. The San Francisco 49ers scored a field goal in overtime. During the game Travis Kelsey got mad at Andy Reid and pushed him along with yelling. He was mad because he was not in a play where he where he could have blocked because Isaiah Pacheco had the ball and fumbled it and the other team recovered it.

Take a Trip

By Zac and Jadon, The Academy Virtual

Want to take a trip? Check out our travel brochures about Japan and LA, CA!

By Jadon, The Academy Virtual

By Zac, The Academy Virtual

2024 Kindness Challenge

By: The Academy Virtual Students and Teachers

Check out what The Academy Virtual students challenged themselves to do. Spread more kindness!

Our Kindness Challenge 2024

A Toy Comes to Life!

By KJ, Jude, Madison, and Hollins, The Academy GA

BY KJ Popp

Once there was a boy named Geph Gorpingsteen and on Christmas he got an elf. Geph was a really nice boy but he did not like the elf that much. “Mom I really want a car not a little elf!” said Geph. “Well sorry, you can get a car when you’re 18.” said Mrs Gorpingsteen. In a cooing voice. “BUT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!” said Geph in a disappointed voice. Too bad honey. Love you, I’m gonna be late for work. Bye.” Ok said Geph. Geph did not know what to do.  He wished he could be riding around in a black Jeep Grand Cherokee with his friends, not sitting around with a little elf. Geph put on a classic horror movie, Chucky! It was one of his favorite movies. He set the little elf down to get a snack but when he got back the elf was gone. He could have sworn he set the elf down on his small clear glass table. He looked back in the kitchen and saw the little elf standing on the cold white quartz countertop. Geph was flabbergasted, eyes wide with fear. “Oh no!” said Geph in a worried voice. “ITS CHARLES LEE RAY AND HE HAS COME TO KILL ME!” Screamed Geph at the top of his lungs. “No I am not.” said the elf. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” he ran out of the room with terror written on his face. The elf looked at him as he ran out of the room with a confused look on his plastic face. I guess I should leave, Santa is gonna kill me, and in the blink of an eye he was gone. Geph looked back in the kitchen. The elf was gone. “What happened?” Said Geph. Geph was very connected to the tv for the next couple of days and watched all the Chucky movies to take notes on how to beat up the next doll he meets!                 THE END

By Jude McSpadden

Today was a…strange day to say the least. I was just minding my business setting up a new figure on my shelves of materialistic items when I heard a noise. I thought of nothing since I hear noises in my head all the time…ALL THE TIME. But then I swear I saw some movement in the corner of my eye. Then all of a sudden all my figures started moving (besides my in box funko pops. They understand that there going be good money in a couple years.)! They seemed to be yelling swears at me, and trying to kill me for some reason? I also realized most of my figures have superpowers, and they used them. So one my Sandman figure used his (guess what?) sand powers to just completely blind me and then my Gremlins figure just scratched me up real good! I thought I was going to die but then my amazing Batman figure Mr. Nick gave me was ready to help! The Batman figure totally trashed King Kong, and just straight up murdered Mario, but then there was one left. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics) – 7″ Scale Action Figure – Ultimate Last Ronin (Armored). The Last Ronin was ready for a fight, and he was stopping at nothing to win. It took weeks, months for the fight to stop but finally- “Jude time for dinner!”, “Coming Mommy!”. Imagination won!

By Madison Corley

One night I was sleeping when I opened my eyes I saw a  Barbie running across my room! I didn't think much of it. I thought it was  a shadow. But then the Barbie started waking up all of my other Barbies. When  they were  all awake  they went  into my big pink  Barbie dream house. They started getting ready to have  a party. Then  one Barbie started making cake, pizza and cookies while Ken got the pool ready.  When the house was ready Barbie and Ken called some of their friends. Five minutes later a lot of toys came from the closet. A couple hours  past and then  it was  almost morning. When Barbie looked at the time  It was almost 8:00 A..M. Barbie told everyone to leave. They did. When I woke up everything was normal.

THE END!!!   

By Hollins Nolan

There's a kid named Lulu, she came home from a  long day of school. Immediately  after Lulu got off the bus she sprinted home, got a snack, then went to her room. She grabbed the toy her mom bought her a few days ago.  The toy was a pink, sparkly, tiny pony. It came with a horse brush, saddle and a jacket. It was around noon when her mom called her for dinner. Lulu complained and argued with her mom. She wanted to keep playing with her toys. So her mom said, “You either come eat or go to bed”. Lulu stormed down the stairway that felt so long and went into the kitchen. She felt sad that she had argued with her mom. At the end of dinner she apologize then went to bed. In the middle of the night her floor was creaking more than usual. One loud creak happened and she jumped up and her voice made a screech sound. Lulu got out of her warm and safe bed. She tiptoed around her room. She looked in the closet. Nothing was in there. She looked under her bed. Still nothing.  But when she turned around her new toy was on her bed! Lulu was kind of freaked out. Her toy was in the toy stables. The toy was flinching and twitching. Then it started talking in a high voice and said, "My name is Chelsey. I will help you go back to sleep”. Chelsey blew some sparkles and they landed nice and gentle on Lulu face. Lulu floated over her bed and then flopped down. In the morning everything was the same as how she left it. Lulu yelled, "Mom, mom. I had a weird dream last night”.  

Teddy and Bear

By Mackenzie, The Academy Virtual

Teddy and Bear wear on an adventure when they saw an arch with a heart and they thought “ this is so cute! “ after they went over there and sat down on the two doggy chairs. When they got on the doggy chairs they saw pasta it was long noodles, they decided to start eating and when they finished Bear asked Teddy to be his valentine, and she of course, said yes. After he asked her they walked down to the beach and walked with a few other dogs. They were so happy and they wanted to go for a little swim. After they got out of the water they  played with the dogs and had a happy life together.

The Academy Virtual Club Connection

If you're interested in joining a gaming club, contact Cameron, Mackenzie, or Taeson. Clubs are:

Conversation Heart Creations

By The Academy Virtual

In Writing Class, we created conversation hearts from our character's point of view.

My Book Review

By Sophie J., The Academy Virtual

Hello! The thing that defines me as a person will always be that I hate reading. I despised it. I will get so many book I think I will read it and stop at the first page. All of them, until one book. It was magical and I will give you a short summary of it. The name of the book is The Boy At The Back Of The Class.

It started young boy changing teachers and saying others new kid. Will join the class. And when he came, he saw the new boy and realized he is very quiet. So his personal mission is to be his friend. He was very shy and ran away. He becomes friends with him and learns that he is a refugee boy. Everyone knew all about it. Getting to know him more, he gets a great idea to help the boy but doesn't know about it. His other friends sent a letter to the queen. Hoping because he is very sad because he hasn't seen his mother and father and the borders are about to close for refuges. If the Queen of England doesn't get the letter, he will be a orphan. Something bad happens when the queen doesn't get the letter so they go there themselves. My  friend name Tom and I get there but they soon run into problem.  Being 9, the police man and guards send them home. But he asked the police man to send the letter to the queen. So he did and the next day he is on news. But some people didn't like how he was trying to help a refugee boy and call them Refugeepests.

I am a almost done with my book and proud with what I have completed. I hope you take this and remember the name of the book is The Boy At The Back Of The Class.

❤️ Taco Cat's Valentine's Day Party ❤️

By: Barbara, Isla, Cameron, Phen, and Taeson, The Academy Virtual

It’s Valentine's day Taco Cat and Apple Cat just arrived at St john's military school. Everyone was playing a version of Secret Santa and as our coach was assigning us our secret partners he assigned Taco Cat with Pizza Cat. Pizza Cat was so anxious about the whole thing, she had a panic attack and passed out. ”Someone get help!’’said Coach. Taco Cat went over to Pizza Cat and started to jump up and down saying, “breathe, breathe, breathe!” Suddenly, she wakes back up.’’What just happened?’’said Pizza Cat.’’You just passed out’’said Coach.  “I don’t know what it is, but that word Valentine’s Day makes me anxious,” said Pizza Cat. After military school the two decided to learn more about each other so they can give proper gifts “I'm training to get a red collar but those are the hardest colors to get and I don't think I have the strength” said Pizza Cat quietly. Five years later…..Pizza Cat finally achieved her dreams of getting a red collar and then a dog bites her leg off. She’s now a 3-legged cat and lost her red collar. taco cat heard about this and after a good 3 hours later he was able to convince the council that Pizza Cat is the only candidate to have a red collar. And after everything Pizza Cat said “I owe you a favor.”I would like to pay for a nice dinner since it Valentine’s day.’’Oh thanks!’’ 

Celebrating Black History Month

Meme Corner 🤣

Have a wonderful month 

and keep the kindness going! ❤️