"We are not makers of history. We are made by history." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why choose History?
Are you inquisitive? Do you like finding the reasons why something might have happened?
Do you like to form your own opinions, even if they might be different from other people?
Are you able to argue differing viewpoints, knowing that there isn’t always a right answer?
Are you prepared to stand your ground and argue your case with evidence?
History lessons aim to encourage you to ask questions and engage in the study of the past in order to think independently and reach your own view.
Universities and employers recognise the high academic standard of GCSE History. The skills that are taught within the subject are very useful in work, study and life.
In careers as diverse as law, politics, bid writing, marketing and sales, debating will let you be able to persuade others, using evidence to back up your case. Research is vital to paralegals preparing for legal cases, journalists and writers working on a story or article, and analysts investigating their area of expertise. Most jobs involve deadlines or juggling priorities, time management is essential in roles from customer service, project management and IT support to contract work and freelancing. The past teaches us that things can change for the better. Staying Positive is vital when you're up against a professional challenge such as a difficult customer, a tough problem or a steep learning curve.
Exam Board : Edexcel
Qualifiaction Type: GCSE (EBacc subject)
Assessment : 3 exams in total, no coursework
Exam Length :
Paper 1 - 75 min 30%
Paper 2 - 105 min 40%
Paper 3 - 80 min 30%
What would help?
An interest in sharing your own opinions! Anyone can choose this course, however you may find it easier to access if you are confident working in both English and History lessons in Year 9. The ability to be able to express your opinions with clarity is a key skill for this course.
Course Content
Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment
Medicine Through Time, c1000–present
A look at the development of medicine with a key focus on causes/cure/prevention of disease, and the individuals involved.
Case Study: WWI and the Western Front
An in-depth look at the injuries and medical issues faced on the Western Front, with particular attention paid to the methods of treatment and the development of new techniques throughout the war.
Paper 2: Period study and British depth study
Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Topics include: Challenges to Elizabeth’s rule from home and abroad, religious change, the Spanish Armada, the impact of Drake’s voyages of exploration
Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941–91
Topics include: Tension in post-war Europe, Cuban Missile Crisis, construction and fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Paper 3: Modern depth study
Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917–41
Topic includes: Russian Revolution, The Bolsheviks in Power, Stalin’s Rise to Power & Dictatorship.
"I like GCSE History because its quite a unique lesson compared to others, the information that I gain from these lessons really helps me in day to day life." - Y11 student
Methods of Study
GCSE History students will develop their knowledge and understanding of history's 'big picture'; comparing and contrasting the human experience across a number of centuries through the Thematic and Period Studies.
Within these studies, students will hone their skills as historians; analysing the causes and consequences of key events and working with a range of primary and secondary source material to understand how these events have been viewed throughout history. They will construct their own interpretations of the events and personalities that have shaped the world we live in today.
"I chose history because it helps improve your point of view, it is very fun to learn about the past and it is very engaging" - Y10 student
Examining board: Edexcel. Linear Course with 3 written exams at the end of Year 11. No controlled assessment or coursework.
Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment : 1 hour and 15 minutes, 30%
Paper 2: Period study and British depth study: 1 hour and 45 minutes, 40%
Paper 3: Modern depth study: 1 hour and 20 minutes, 30%
Here are some examples of GCSE History work produced by our students this year...
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