Physical Education (Core)

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” 

– Buddha

How can Physical Education (Core) help me? 

All students in Years 10 & 11 will receive Core PE lessons weekly. Regular physical activity is an important part of leading a healthy active lifestyle, through these practical sessions we hope to promote continued enjoyment of a range of activities, with an element of personal choice from the students. 

Course Content

Each term you will get to choose an activity that you want to do for your Core PE lessons. We try to offer a range of activities, including some which you may not have had the opportunity to do at KS3. Groups are often mixed between form groups so you also have the chance to participate with/against students from other form groups.



Health & Fitness






"Core PE allows me to spend time with my friends and not have to think about exams or coursework, as well as helping me to keep fit and stay positive" 

Methods of Study

Students are encouraged to take part physically each week in order to develop their range of skills, health and fitness and social participation in a range of activities. We also encourage physical exercise on a daily basis to promote a healthy active balanced lifestyle that plays a big part in our TGSB community.

We encourage students in KS4 to take the lead in their lesson, exploring roles other than just a performer. You may prefer to be a leader, a coach or an official. We will facilitate sessions where the students set up and manage competitions, or direct the warm-up and skill drills for the rest of the group.

There is a strong focus on enagagement and performance, we want all students to develop the ability to particpate in lifelong sport and physical activity. Key to this is finding out which activities you enjoy, and developing the basic skills needed to take part either socially or competitively.


You will not have an examination from these lessons, but you will be assessed each term based on your effort and attitudes to learning.

Those students who wish to continue to study Physical Education can choose GCSE Physical Education as one of their options. See here for information about GCSE Physical Education.

Useful Links