Against the Wind for ALS

Update: 10/13/21

Wow...what a journey it has been. Thank you all for following along and a special thank you to the many friendly folks who helped me in some way, shape, or form along the way. You've given me memories to last a lifetime and we made an incredible difference in the money we've raised for the ALS Association. Please feel free to take a look at some photos and/or reach out if you have any questions about the trip. Thank you!

3 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" 2 Peter 1:3

Hi friend -

My name is Wil Armstrong and I am riding [rode] my bicycle cross-country (against the trade winds of the midwest) from Delaware to Washington State raising money for ALS research.

This site is a place to update everyone about my trip as it happens (Check out my blog). You can also follow my daily activity on Strava.

If you have any trip suggestions or possible places to stay along the way - my phone number is 301-512-9325 and I'd love to hear from you (text or call)! or email

Current Stats

Final Location: La Push, WA

Next Stop: --

Start Date: 06/26/21

Finish Date: 09/5/21

Days into trip: 73

Miles rode total: 3750mi

Banana Count: 89

Apple Count: 77

Bagel Count: 81

Granola Bar Count: 296

Huge thank you to Lone Peak Packs for supplying my bags for the trip. Extremely high quality. Please go check them out!

Thank you to Jimmie Cone for not only serving the best ice cream East of the Mississippi but also being a massive part of my fundraising.

Click the links on my Twitter to live track my Garmin GPS or go to my Garmin profile

Track my Strava account to see my activity


Check out the interview I did with Fox 5 news

Daniela Perez interviewed me for The MocoShow