
Visiting Professors: We welcome visiting professors looking to work hands on with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in relation to biomedical research applications. Applicants should send a CV or Resume and a research statement to NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu.

Postdoctoral Fellows: We welcome applications from potential postdoctoral fellows with the expectation that they would develop and lead at least one independent project of their own within a minimum of 1-yr fellowships, contribute to one laboratory project, and work on at least one collaborative project.  Applicants should send a CV or Resume and a research statement detailing the question they would like to address in the laboratory to NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu.  No prior experience with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is required.

Graduate Students: Students already accepted into the Graduate Program at Temple School of Medicine are welcome to rotate in the lab.  We encourage rotations for students who can identify a co-mentor bridging techniques and interests between labs.  We especially encourage students from an under-represented minority in science, MD/PhD candidates, or other combined degree programs. Students should contact NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu about rotating in the laboratory.

Post-baccalaureate Employees: Recently or soon to graduate undergraduates who are interested in a laboratory work experience who can commit to 2-years in the lab are welcome to apply by sending a CV or Resume and a statement detailing their interests to NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu.  These positions will entail professional level laboratory work assisting major projects in the lab, compensated at part or full time basis commensurate with experience and time/interest.  Employees interested in graduate and medical school will be expected to develop small independent projects in consultation with senior members of the lab.

Undergraduate Students: Undergraduates who can commit to at least 10 hrs/week and additional time during the summer are welcome to apply to the lab by sending a CV or Resume and a statement detailing their interests to NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu.  Undergraduates are paid and encouraged to start in the lab around Sophmore year if possible so they can try different projects and find out what interests them.

High school Students: Students from Philadelphia city (and some Philadelphia area) schools are welcome to apply to work in the laboratory. *Current Temple University School of Medicine Policy may prohibit us from quickly hiring minors (under the age of 18) so please inquiry early (months in advance). We are trying to change this policy, so if interested, please contact NateWSnyder (at) Temple.edu.  Many of our collaborators labs can take minors, so even if we can't host you yet, our colleagues might be able to!

Additional Laboratory Pets: Always welcome.  Not physically in the lab, but we are currently looking for enthusiastic cats and dogs for remote positions.  Birds, fish, turtles and lizards may be considered with relevant experience.

General notes: The lab does not accept unpaid volunteers and we generally pay $18-22hr. This does however, require that you can legally be paid for work in the US. We also encourage students to look for class credits for lab work if they can't be paid.