
Christina Demetriadou, PhD

Christina (co-mentored with Kathryn Wellen, UPenn) aims to understand the effects of branched-chain amino acid metabolism on nuclear acyl-CoA abundance and histone acylation in pancreatic tumorigenesis.

Adam Chatoff

Adam is developing a thesis, co-mentored with Dr. Lori Rink (Fox Chase Cancer Center), around pharmacologically targetable rewiring of metabolism in cancer.

Daniel Kantner. MS

Daniel is developing a thesis on examining the complex interplay between metabolism, signaling, and epigenetics, which has relevance to both fundamental biology/biochemistry and metabolic diseases.

Amandine Amalric, PhD

Amandine (co-mentored with Katherine Aird, UPitt) studies the changes subcellular compartmentalization of metabolism induced by oncogenic signaling.

Mariola M. Marcinkiewicz, MS

Mariola is a senior technician/lab manager.  She is not always this serious.

Hafsah Ahmad 

Hafsah is a undergrad at Temple majoring in biomedical engineering.

Alison Jaccard, PhD

Alison (co-mentored with Kathryn Wellen, UPenn) studies metabolite signaling in immune cells.

Emily Megill

Emily (co-mentored with Conchi Estaras, LKSOM) studies cardiac developmental signaling.

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We are almost always looking for new members! See the Positions Tab.

Nathaniel W. Snyder Ph.D., MPH

Dr. Snyder is an Associate Professor at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine of Temple University. Formerly, he was an assistant professor at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute (2014-2020).  Nathaniel studied Biochemistry at the University of Maryland (2005-2009) and trained at the National Institutes of Health (2005-2009).  Dr. Snyder’s Ph.D. thesis in Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania (2009-2013) concerned analytical measurements of low abundance biological molecules using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).  Also completed at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Snyder’s MPH (2009-2014) work investigated non-invasive biomarkers of asbestos exposure.  Nathaniel has published and presented academic works on analytical chemistry, metabolism, inflammation, and environmental exposure assessment.