Where can I find eBooks? 

We have several different resources for students to located and check out eBooks to read from their devices. Our Destiny Discover catalog is a great place to find eBooks. Scroll down to the eBooks carousel and click on "view all" to see our collection. If your student is logged in, they can check books out to start reading immediately. 

Click on this icon from your classlink page to be taken to our catalog to search for books and check out eBooks. 

Books with this logo are eBooks and can be checked out and read straight from your device. 

Scroll down on the homepage and you will find this carousel that contains only eBooks. Click the button to the right to be taken to a page where you will be able to see all of the eBooks in our collection. 

eBooks can also be accessed through the Sora app. Click on this icon from your classlink page to be taken to the app where you can search for books. 

myOn is another resource for eBooks. They host monthly challenges for minutes read and students can win prizes! The app automatically logs minutes read by students so encourage your child to see all the great books it has to offer! 

myOn can be accessed through the Renaissance app in Classlink. 

Once inside the app, students will click this icon to find eBooks.